.... Sounds more like the introduction to a Scientific Horror film .... at a Cinema near you " !! .......Heard the latest tripe on " GLOBAL WARMING " folks ? = millions heard yesterday on BBC Radio News , that " our VENTOLIN INHALERS are now contributing to Global Warning , and that the manufacturers are urgently looking for an alternative " !! .OH YES ? , ..so, can we expect our Repeat Prescriptions of this medication from our chemists to be interrupted , or even changed by the Government when ordering this vital inhaler ? ... I'me due to see my Consultant in a few weeks time for my three monthly check up . - he always likes a laugh, so I'll kick off with this one ..... ! what next I wonder !!.
... " . DIRE WORLD THREAT BECAUSE O... - Lung Conditions C...

Have heard this before vittorio. It was some time ago now and caused some outrage on the Asthma UK forum if I remember correctly. Do let us know what your Consultant says when you tell him especially if he thinks it's ridiculous too.
Ventolin inhalers were changed years ago because of the propellant damaging the ozone layer.Combivent propellant couldn’t be changed though.
Dear me whatever next vittorio. It beggars belief. Xxx
I think/ hope they'd have the sense to ban all the other aerosols before they ban ventolin & all the other mdi inhalers. Worry not.
Once again it feels like the vulnerable and seemingly non productive people in society are being victimised as if we haven't got enough to deal with. Waiting to see if l get offered booster van not holding my breath though after having to chase original van 😀
Hi vittorio,mine says cfc free so what's the issue there 🤔
I commented on another post we seem to be increasingly controlled by a load of Dimbats.
Hello victorio I have used Ventolin for Years, Months ago I wondered what was wrong with my inhaler much smaller same content, it was CFC free, I am stage four Emphysema therefore practically zero lung capacity, Useless for me, I still have one a month, but cannot go out as I have No reliever .No alternative to my knowledge, I use ambulatory Oxygen, and a nebuliser. But No instant relief, IF you have Lung Capacity, maybe you will be alright, good luck.