As you know I've rececently joined this group. And I'm delighted with sweet
Genuine people with much positive comments. Who are not in the best of
Health. God bless everyone in group. And keep these beautiful Comments
Exocist. Xxxx
As you know I've rececently joined this group. And I'm delighted with sweet
Genuine people with much positive comments. Who are not in the best of
Health. God bless everyone in group. And keep these beautiful Comments
Exocist. Xxxx
What a lovely introduction by a new member. Many thanks for that, you are very welcome.
Why not tell us a little bit about yourself.
For starters, I'm Chrys and I live in a lovely village in South Wales. I have a number of health problems including a lung disease called bronchiectasis. I am keeping busy during the lockdown by catching up on household tasks, a little gardening and walking around quiet roads. I am an animal lover but my last pet, a cat called Tiggi, was put to sleep just before Christmas. She was 21 years old and I miss her dearly.
I'm Brian from Worcester. I have 2 beautiful boys under 11. They keep
Me going. I have same condition as yourself. But mayjor problems due
To two Separate cancers. Neck. And throat cancer. Left me with
Swallow issues. And lost to much weight. Which makes myself weak
Fighting Lung disease. Hope this helps.!!!
Hi Brian interesting avatar. I remember the film. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate health wise do you have lots of variety in nutritious drinks/ foods to keep your weight stable. Are you still undergoing cancer treatment ? I have emphysema and traction bronchiectasis . I have 2 rescue cats a rescue donkey and a few hedgehogs at the moment. Hope your situation eases soon . Take care Christi
Hi Christi.
Love your choice of different pets. .My weight is Stable right now.
Although lost eight stone. All my cancer treatment finished now.
Just taking everyday as it comes. And staying positive.
Thank you for your nice Comment.
I didn't know you have a donkey? (Unless I forgot) I love donkeys and would love to rescue one but they don't like the rain and it's rains pretty much every day where I live. Donkeys aren't waterproof so to speak, thry can deal with hit and dry weather and cold snowy weather but not perpetual rain
Hello Exocist ,π
So glad you found this group. We are diverse but united in care for each other. This group has seen me through being at end stage lung disease to having a transplant and revovery. So I am very grateful and indebted to everyone here. I am sorry to read of your many health issues and hope you will come here often. Such a great place for support.
Best wishes to you,
Cas xx ππ
Hello Exocist,
Welcome to the forum. I've not been a member that long myself but have found tremendous support and laughs through reading some of the posts and responses from others.
I also have Bronchiectasis as well as some other health issues but have picked up many tips and so much knowledge from others on the forum about my condition, they really do care enough to want to spend their own personal time to respond, very sweet.
I am sure you won't be disappointed.
Take good care π X
Thanks karen. X