According to the fredom of information request in April they found that 32 people were dying a week after being put in the cabable of work group by the ATOS . Look at DEPAC on google this info came from the i paper yesterday.please try to read the article it is well worth it.
DPAC- disabled people against cuts. - Lung Conditions C...
DPAC- disabled people against cuts.

Remember that I do a radio show that picks out relics of the past and plays them ...
I found this 'boot sale' gem quite recently - can't see it making top of the pops, but the sentiments remain the same - over 40 years since this was recorded !
The OAP's - Give us the right to live:
Yes, OK, we could probably do better...
Hi Em ,
I wonder how many would have died anyway ?? or wether there is a direct link to the stress caused by the changes ?? , any idea ?? xxxx Dinny xxxx
Oh thanks for your reply.
The article in the I newspaper was directly relating the deaths to the withdrawl of disabled benifits and the fact that people where not coping with the 'fit for work 'and was corralating the two it really is well worth a read.
Thanks Em , that is really interesting and worth a read , i will have a look . I am glad someone has taken the trouble to see what a traumatic effect this waste of time is having on disabled people and putting it to paper , also that people , like yourself , are letting us all know . Re reading my reply to you i can see that it looks as though i was trying to pick a fault , sorry xx , i wasn't though , just trying to make sure it wasn't another misleading article in the paper and that if anyone used it as ammunition it would easily be shot down in flames as incorrect . I should have read it first and then replied , i didn't have time then but will fead it now . Thanks again Em xxxx Dinny xxxx
Here is a good Disabled People Against Cuts article :
Thanks for this like. I have fully read and digested it . We all as ill and disabled need to now take as much action against these cuts and realise that we have rights and question the human rights issues as mentioned as I believe that it is not going to be too long before someone sucessfully challanges this goverment in the courts over this issue.
I would imagine the stress has a lot to do with deaths. Sadly those that abuse the system, of which there are many, have made it all but impossible for us that are genuine. You just have to ensure you provide lots of proof of your disability if you have to. Such as letters from your consultant, respiratory nurse, doctor. Lists of medication. Hospital admissions. Exacerbations. My main grip with ATOS is that many of these so called 'doctors' are not medical doctors at all. And that in many cases they do not use your medical notes. And these are essential if anyone is to judge if you are genuine or not.
The number of benefit cheats is around 10& of the number of tax (illegal) evaders - and the government is not chasing them ! hmmm, makes one think, eh !

Hi Derrylynne,
With respect the actual freud figures regarding DLA are running at the low of 0.5% which equates to 99.5% legitamate claimants. this is only and can onlyever be seen as Dickensian cuts ,forced upon the vunerable, who are assumed to have no voice. + BULLY TACKTICKS by the wealthy who rule us all.
Hi Derrylynne , I wonder if it would be acceptable to ask the docs for their qualifications before having a medical , also to ask them if they have have read your notes and ask them some specific questions out of the notes they have from you to test them , I have not been to an ATOS medical so not sure what the set up is , anyone have any opinions ??? , would be good to turn the tables !!! . xxxx Dinny xxxx
It was clear watching the program on how ATOS determine how ill a person is, didn't truly show how this disease affects people full time !!!
It didn't take into consideration the amount of effort and pure will it takes for someone with breathing problems to do just the 'normal' things in life, and it didn't show the affects of it all either, the medication, the time needed to rest, im afraid unless they have first hand experience of this disease they won't really know,and it truly disgusts me, because i do believe that stress makes it worse, all we want is to be believed, and treated with a bit of respect.
Hi Fontleroy , Well said , that just about says it all . When i was assessed for DLA ( and refused ) the doctor came to my home , stayed 5 mins asked me to walk up and down the hall once , wrote on a clipboard and put ( i found out later ) that i was a depressed asthmatic , I have Swyer James syndrome , bronchiectasis , emphysema and asthma , he was definately a quack and unfortunately i did not appeal as i was moving to Ireland for fresh air . xxxx Dinny xxxx
I know of three people that are claiming DLA that have no right to it. One is getting it because she says she cannot walk. But can walk at a good lick, uphill and a couple of miles to town at a good lick. She don't speak to me anymore as I gave her my tongue as it is people like her that make it so damn hard for people like me that have a genuine disability. . Another claims it as she says she has arthritis and cannot walk. But again she can walk a fair lick up a steep hill and three miles into town. Another claims because she says she has a bad back, and cannot walk. But again can walk the three miles to town and back. That is apart from the single parents living with partners but claiming they are not. I rest my case. It makes me very angry and I for one am glad that at least these people will get sorted out.
I do agree about ATOS though, and feel they should be made to wear an airight mask and made to breathe through a straw for a day to get an idea of what we have to endure each and every day. COPD in the severe stages is unrelenting, and as many of use know, in the very severe stage even more so. And full consideration of our specialist chest doctor's reports, including respiratory nurse, our own doctor, FEV1 and all the relevant factors, including admissions to hospital, should and must be taken into account. There is no making these up. The results will only be because of extensive tests. And these tests will PROVE CONCLUSIVELY that the applicant is disabled. That is what this government should be aiming to do.
Hi Derrylynne, I know that all of us see what we think are non legitimate people out there but what we all must remember is that they will be found out anyway. I think that what is good for us all to be is united against the cuts for those who are genuine. I have Bronhiectasis, ostea arthritis a colon problem and asthma have 3 children still living at home and a husband with severe chronic pain .. What choice do I have but to struggle each day and be the family back bone. I get on a regular basis people judge me as i am only 44 but to hell with them they do not walk in my shoes . let them think what they like I no at the end of the day my diagnosis . please sonot feel this message is at anyway aimed at your coment but at the higher lot who judge us all