Does anyone know if Nebulisers help with COPD suffering. I've had a bad chest infection for nearly 3 weeks & find coughing up Phlegm is a problem. I'm using Ventolin, Relvar &Incruse inhalers. I'm also on my second course of Antibiotics & Prednisolone
Nebulisers for COPD: Does anyone know... - Lung Conditions C...
Nebulisers for COPD

Dear Jan,
You don't say whether its the coughing up of lots of phlegm or that there is no phlegm to cough up. If its that you have a lot of phlegm then you need to cough it up to try and keep your lungs clear as possible, it can be a bit of an embarrassment coughing up the stuff (sometimes I feel like a cat trying to clear out fur balls from its throat), I just keep a lot of tissues and a couple of small poly bags to put them in in my handbag when I'm out.
I do have a nebuliser for a saline solution but its not to stop the phlegm more to loosen it up so that I can cough it up. I also use it to deliver Ventolin in a bigger dose when my inhaler does not work.
Yes, Sue, I’m on a Nebulizer and concur with all you said. I use the Nebulizer to loosen the phlegm and follow that up with my flutter treatment and huff and puff to bring it where I can cough it up. It all seems to work.
Best regards, Chuck (saramana)
I have a nebuliser that i use each day. This is because i have asthma and copd.
Hi I use a nebuliser I use ventolin and saline in it when I have a flare up other times I just use saline it helps loosen the phlegm so easier to cough up
Love my nebulizer 4 times a day and it helps me cough up I'm on my 3rd round of antibiotics in 2 months copd emphysema but yes the nebulizer is a good thing
Yes Nebulising helps to rid the mucus. It also depends what you put in them. Ask your doctor for advise on what to nebulise. I do know for Emphysema nebulising with Glutathione works wonders but its hard to obtain nebulising grade glutathione.
Hi, nebulisers are an easier way to deliver inhaled medication for conditions that make the inhalation delivery hard. Puts whatever meds used into a mist that is supposed to be easier to absorb.
My Mum has been using nebules since March and finds them a great help. She uses a nebuliser for Salbutamol 4 x daily which opens the bronchial tubes and has been also prescribed ibrotropium or something in nebules to use with the other during flare ups a couple of times for periods of a couple of weeks at a time.
I believe Mum was prescribed Carbosi-something or other in tablet form to break up the sputum to help her clear it. I have not got the name of it to hand but it is SOP and part of medication arsenal for COPD.
Hope that helps.
carbocisteine hun. My hubby took that to loosen the phlegm x
Carbocisteine, i'm on 4 ,375 mg per day .it definitely helps to break up all that gunge on your chest.
That’s the one! I never remember the names of the meds further than the first few letters usually.
Had a memory once. I think. Can’t really remember.
I nebulise saline and it helps me to shift bugs and when I get Sinus issues from taking Seretide
Try vick and hot water and inhale the steam under a towel?
I use my nebuliser 4 times a day using Ventolin and ipratropium, which I would be lost without, it certainly helps me. I also have carbocistine tablets everyday which helps loosen mucus. If you have been prescribed them go ahead it really helps me. Good luck with infection.
Hi sorry to hear you are suffering with the dreaded chest infection. I take Carbosisteine for helping the phlem to shift and also was taught the art of HUFFING . which is a great help, also be sure to drink plenty of fluids as they help keep the phlem moist which in turn helps it come up a bit better. Hope you get well soon x Meant to say I HATE Nebulisers !!
Yes I find VENTOLIN and saline combined helps me expectorate plus my Lung Flute which is the best I’ve found to help clear my chest. I’m also on CARBOCISTEINE for asthma bronchiectasis and COPD. I have never smoked but with COPD people always assume I have!
Hi jan16
It's foxy79 just answer your question I'm 37 today I have copd respiratory type 2 asthma broncechtisis emphysema I'm on oxygen nebulizer and bipeb machine everyday and can say to from my experience it's either your antibiotics isn't working on you cause these medications aren't working cause it can't kill that bug as I had pnemniea and everyone thought clarytimisen can kill it but it didn't it came to light after 4month it was ciprofulxcin well you need 3 suptum sample fresh In the morning and then see or its your doing something your body doesn't agree to it example smoking etc sorry for being upfront these just 2 things I can say there many more
Hello... How are you.?
I was wondering how you cope with this disease mentally?
Do you have family and friends to help you.?
Do you have panic attacks or anxiety attacks?
Are you scared when you use bipac at home?
I was so sad when i read you are only 37.
I hope you know you are not alone and can reach out for support.
Happy Birthday.
Hello Canadian
It's foxy79 many thanks for your positive comments and support means alot firstly yes I have family and they help me I don't have any friends as I have been manipulated to much I got used to it know living alone in my own house single I don't want to be burden to anyone I'm independent. I use to have panic attacks before know I get heart beating very high 160 per second.I am use to it know not sure about transplant and thanks alot
i used it in hospital,it helped some but infection still there
I have had nebuliser treatment when it's got a prescribed formula, saline is no good for the prescription see your GP. Have you tried Carbocisteine it breaks down the mucus that them makes it a bit a bit easier to move,on prescription from the GP. In addition to the Carbocistieine I use a little gadget that I got from Pulmonary rehab it's made by CM20 2TT, it's about 60mm long and you "huff" into it before taking any other meds, the mucus is further broken down and after a few huffs you cough productively.
Mmmmm, nebulisers aren’t the answer for everyone...
I only use one when very breathless with my deliver the medication nearly to where it is needed.
Have you discussed this with your Community Respiratory Team or GP ?
You will the nebulesto be prescribed.
Are you trying the Huff cough technique?
Also important is not to get ‘Nebule’ and ‘Nebula’ confused.
When I handed a vast interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases, to Mum in her flat imagine my embarrassment of not realising she had said ‘can you get me a nebula’ instead of ‘can you get me a nebule’ by mistake! Again!
Very hard to shift interstellar dust from a carpet.
Hi just to say i have been useing a nebuliser twice a day for nearly 20 years. generally with sabutamol. I have also used for saline on occasions and budisonide which is a steriod the same as symbocort
I find using this machine very tying i cant manage without it. If you go away you have to take it with also have to keep it very clean.
The main reason for using this was to try to control my asthma.
I also have carbocistine tablets they are brilliant if you suffer from allergies. Which affects nasal passages sinuses and chest. I hope you find some answers.
I am 83 and have C.O.P.D. I use my nebuliser about once a week; it breaks up the phlegm and eases my chest. Good luck with yours, Albert.
Thank you Albert, it's reassuring to know this, I hope my Doctor will agree, I'll be willing to pay for it if they will prescribe the liquid.
I am on a nebuliser vetolin nebules 4 times a day it seems to help me plus incruse and relvar elltipta inhahlers plus carbocisteine