why is it so good when i can hardy breath when in hospital, thankyou, Ann Gordon
I have quite bad ASMA, the thing they... - Lung Conditions C...
I have quite bad ASMA, the thing they put on your finger is it for Oxygen levels, even when i am in hospital it is 97. Can some 1 tell me

HI Ann, I don't have asthma, I have emphysema with around 20% lung capacity but I am frequently the same as you, practically on my knees sometimes yet my sats are ok, mid 90's. I joke that when I'm being lowered into my grave someone will say "but her sats were ok"! Libby x
Thank u Libby, my asma is bad can harldy do anything. It got worse when i came home from Spain, cam home 2 be with my children, if i knew it would go i would go back, but will it, have 2 do EVERYTHING my self it is diffiilcult, Kind regards Ann x
Hope you have seen your gp Ann to make sure you are on the optimum medication for your asthma. You have come back from a far cleaner and drier atmosphere too which is probably making a difference. Do see the doctor, it's surprising how a different medication can have a better effect. Good liuck. Libby
You can be breathless with good oxygen levels (like you are) and you can be breathless with low oxygen levels (like I am). Some people think that oxygen will 'cure' their breathlessness but this isn't the case. Oxygen is given only for low oxygen levels and even then may not help with breathlessness.
I would have thought they would be looking at your asthma medication to ease your breathlessness. Hope things improve soon.
Niclajoan, I suspect your asthma may not be properly controlled - only a suspicion mind,we're all different!
I suggest if you're worried have a chat to BLF, 03000 030 555 before you make an appointment with a good GP or respiratory nurse for a review.
- I only suggest this because as the weather turned I felt awful for a few weeks & believed I had an infection. Doc said it wasn't and suggested I double my Seretide 250 to 500, 2 x daily. I've done this and feel like a different person. I can taper down again as I feel well and will hopefully be back to Seretide 125 in the summer months. It will be interesting to see what they say at the hospitals chest clinic when I go in January. I'm expecting to be discharged.
Good luck, peeg
Thank u all for your coments, I am on so much when i was in hospital last they said there is nothing else i am on Tablets inhalers, seebri breezhaler capsules 1@ day. Am on Amoxicillin 3@dayfor 10days up my Steroids 8@day for 5days then i lower myself down to 1:day wich i must stay on, am trying 2 cut out the Steroids as i have been on 2 long, I have allways been healthy, this is the worst i have been in my life, Ann