My mum has been diagnosed today as ha... - Lung Conditions C...
My mum has been diagnosed today as having lung cancer. I don't know which way to turn. Worried about her and my dad.

Welcome to the community Elmo, and I'm sorry to hear that diagnosis for your mum. Click on the red ballon on the blue bar, and this will give you the telephone number for the BLF nurses. They will be able to answer all your queries, and maybe even allay your fears.
Hello Elmo, so sad to hear this. Take Stitch's advise talk to your mum and family and try to stay strong and positive, difficult, but please try it will help greatly. My family were strong and positive for me during a cancer scare few years back and it was a tremendous help.
Morning Elmo - How absolutely horrifying for you all. I am so sorry for you all. Perhaps you could call the BLF helpline - click on the red balloon, they maybe able to give you some advise. Please try to stay strong for your parents - they need you now. Take good care, with much love TADxxx

Thank you for your reply and info. I can't tell u how much I appreciate everyone's comments.
I'm so sorry to hear this Elmo. One positive is that you parents have a lovely daughter who will be there for them.
Let them know how much you care and encourage them to be open and talk about it.
The medical profession have come on leaps and bounds in the last few years.
Do ring the BLF helpline, it's just the cost of a local call. 03000 555 030
All the best to you all, P
My mum gets some results back on Wednesday. Will be phoning the helpline u have suggested tomorrow. Thank u so much for replying.
you are very very welcome. I dont know how old you are but I lost my mum just over 3 years ago and my children lost their father not long afterwards so I really feel for you as will many here on blf.
Good luck with your call. They have counsellors too as well as the lung experts, They are the most wonderful organisation.
Will be thinking of you and do come back, as you can see, there are always very big shoulders to support you on your fear and worry. xxxx
Hi Elmore. Really sorry to hear about your Mum. I Knew a lady with the same She had one lung removed. If its contained she has a very good chance of surviving it. Also there is Chemo and other things. Cancer treatment has come a very long way and I think I am right in saying most can be treated. All the best I hope she gets on ok. Try not to show your Dad you are worried he needs positive feedback at this time.
Sorry to hear your news Elmo - it must be quite overwhelming for you at present. As your new friends above have advised, I think you will find the BLF nurses of great help and support.
Loving thoughts to you and your mum and dad.
Welcome Elmo, so sorry to hear the news about your Mum. I can relate to what Stitch has said. I also know a lady who has only one lung because of lung cancer, she had been diagnosed over 8 years now and she travels the world still. It always amazes me she is able to do so much still. She also has her own allotment, so please don't give up on your Mum yet, She may have a good few quality years left to share with you.
Do ring the BLF helpline for further support and advice on this, (click red balloon top right for contact number, lines open 10am to 5pm) take heart, thoughts to you, your Mum and Dad.
Best wishes BC x

Thank u blakeyc. I am overwhelmed by everyone's kind thoughts and comments. I so appreciate u writing to me.
hi elmo l sure am sorry to hear of your sad news of your mam l don't realy know what l can say to you apart from when l lost my mam it was quick and so sad l did all my grieving when l found out and when the actuall time came l didn't grieve as much someone once said if you grieve before the time comes its not so hard when it does weather this helps you l don't know everyone has there own way of dealing with things like this and lm sure you will have yours try to keep yourself busy l know it sounds weird when l say try keep yourself busy but trust me it does help anyway l hope this helps
A big welcome to you Elmo.Sorry about your sad news re. your Mum.As others said,they have come a long way with treatments etc. now,but of course we dont know which grade she is.Your Mums lucky to have a supportive daughter,& I'm sure you will be a great comfort for your Dad.Dont forget to look after yourself too though,as there will be hard days ahead.
If your Dad,finds it hard to cope,maybe you need to see the Doctor together with him,& write down,what you need to ask,eg what's the prognosis? What stage is she at,will treatment be had before an op? & so on.
Don't forget we are always here to lend an ear,I do hope you have other support.Do look after yourself,as you will probably get mentally & physically tired.
Wishing you & all the family better days ahead.Try & keep positive,miracles do happen!
Hugs to you,& gentle hugs to Mum xxx

good morning, how is your mum feeling today? the waiting time to hear and see someone is the worst but will all happen and quickly love and hugs try and have a nice weekendxx
Thank u mandrichard. I have been trying to reply to everyone but am finding that I am running out of words knowing that this detestable disease affects so many lives in many different ways. I am taking on everyone's kind words and advice and am trying to be strong. My dad especially needs a shoulder to lean on at this time. He is struggling to accept that my mums time with us is limited but is trying hard to cope for my mums sake. We r all taking each day they come and doing what we can. Thank u again so much for writing to me x

Thank you so much Wendell's for ur kind words. Keeping busy is keeping me sane right now. It's the night times I dread as I can't stop my brain going over things.its the uncertainty of it all that is hard at this time. Thank u again for your kind words x
Hello everyone I'm new and have just read elmo's post. I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with cancer in my right lung since initial xray it has been non stop with a CAT scan then a Pet scan which showed it had spread to my lymph nodes in my chest then a procedure called EBUS where biopsy's were taken , then Tuesday I met the oncologist who was absolutely great she explained everything about what my Chemo treatment will involve. So hopefully start treatment within 1-2 weeks. I must praise the NHS and all of the staff at QEQM hospital that I have had looking after me it has made the last few weeks bearable still not sleeping very well as brain goes into overdrive at night .So be very positive my family and friends have been brilliant and so supportive and lets hope we all come through the otherside and life can return to some normality. Keep brave she needs you more than I can say .
What a great post mandrichard! I love your positive vibes,& that will help you immensely.
Do keep in touch with us! We will all be cheering for you! Love Wendells xxx
that's such a lovely reply Richard and I'm so glad you've good medical care and your family behind you.
We'll all be rooting for you too. I dont know where QEQM is but it sounds very good. All the best, P
hello thanks for both replies and so quickly as well I'm 65 female and would love to hear from anyone in these dark days my husband is brill and positive which is the world to me , by the way the QEQM is in Margate ,Kent.Has anyone had the same problems as me and started/ completed their treatment would be great to hear from you.
Hi Elmo, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'm afraid I can't give any advice, but would like to send you hugs. I hope you find some way to deal with this. xx
Mandrichard, wishing you good luck for your chemo. I had chemo between February and May this year for breast cancer. Also sending you hugs. xx
Hi Elmo I'm so sorry to hear about your mum its that big C word no one wants to hear, I'm not a expert but I do know people who have had lung cancer and have been through treatment and done very well treatment today for cancer is so well advanced, we are always hear for you and your mum. xx
elmo ive been told I have 6 months when I first met my consultant I had severe copd and pulmonary fibrosis I was relieved as I thought I had cancer what he said next took the smile of my face when he said that what ihad was far worse than any lung cancer. because with cancer they can treat or operate on cancer but there is nothing they can do for me accept try to slow it down which does not seem to be working. don't give up find out what can be done ive had two sisters who died with cancer but with treatment they both had about 15 months wish you all the best
Sorry to hear of your sad news about your mum Elmo, bet your in bits. Everyone is here for support when ever you need. These days treatment has much improved for Lung cancer and there are far more back up services for support. Macmillan have a good advice service both at hospitals and on line. Use all treatment and services made available to you, as the path can be tiring. Every best wish and take care of yourself as you will need all your strength .
Thank you to everyone. I am overwhelmed by your responses and know from what I have just read that I am not alone in how I am feeling. I am very grateful to those of u who r personally going through this and to those of u, who like me, have a family member(s) affected and have given me such positive feedback. I am coming to terms with the news now and my resolve is to be as strong as I need be to help my parents at this time. Every day is precious and anything I can do to help them is what i am going to do. Thank you all so very much for taking the time to give me another insight into how to deal with future events.
elmo154 go on to and see what he tells about his condition told he had 3 months to live still here 3 5 years later and going strong if you do not find his story on the above try he is a friend of mine may help but wish you and all the family all the best
Thinking of you Elmo154 and sending thoughts your way for you, your Mum and Dad.
Hugs BC x x x
Thank you BC. Very much appreciate your comments and positive thoughts x