could some one explain what these figures mean, i know i have severe airflow obstruction, but totally clueless as to the rest ot if, it reads as follows, FEV1 only 1.24 L (36%) AND FEV1/FVC ratio 0.65. Diffusion was impaired with DLCO only 51%. Echocardiography showed low-normal left ventricular systolic function with an estimated ejection fraction of 45-50%. what does all this mean ? would be very gratefull if someone could help me understand.
I know i have been diagnosed with COP... - Lung Conditions C...
I know i have been diagnosed with COPD and have had a lung function test and just recieved my results by post.

I can help you with the FEV1 bit I think.
FEV1 is the Forced expiratory volume in 1 second from your lungs. 1.24 L is how many litres you blew out. 36% is yours compared to people of your size, weight, age, etc without lung problems;
From memory mine is .72 L 27%.
If I have got this wrong, anyone, please feel free to correct me as I dont wish to give out wrong information.
so someone healthy, my age, size and weight would blow 100% and i blew 36% ? sorry for being a thicky.
Not a lot of us could understand when we first got diagnosed so you ain't thick ! They count normal as 80% 36% isn't too bad. I've seen some on here with 20%. Like it has been said, don't take any notice of the numbers. I'm diagnosed as very severe emphysema but I seem better off than others who are not so bad as me. Each person is different when it comes to COPD I have learnt since I've been on here.
Hi it means you have 36 per cent lung fugctionleft as I have smoked for over 50 years stopped tobacco and went to vaping before I stopped tobacco I was loosing 17.9 per cent 22 per cent lung function each year now its stayed at 36 a good machine to get on e bay that uses eucalyptus oil I use and found it helps a lot with my breathing
Could I just add - don't worry too much about the numbers! Just concentrate on living as well as you can. My husband was very upset at his results last year which moved him into severe category BUT he is not noticeably any worse. Long may you enjoy your life. Perhaps the helpline could give you good advise lon Monday. Take care tad x x x
Because you've recently stopped smoking it can take a bit of time for you lungs to clear all the tar and gung etc, so you might get a slightly better results next time you take the test if you can keep off the cigs don't expect miracles but it could improve by a few %.
As said above it's how you feel not what number you're at.
Could I add that if you phone the BLF helpline on Monday, they will explain what all the figures mean. Their number is 03000 030 555.
Lynne xx
Agree with everyone,all good advice.The only thing I could suggest,is to take the papers to your Doctor,& say you want it all explained! Can't understand why results were sent to you.
Good luck with it all
Wendells x
Hmm, seems to me this is all technical figures , all very well BUT can scare some people, but whats more important is HOW YOU ACTUALLY FEEL. Sometimes "Ignorance IS bliss " !! - Personally I'me not the slightest bit interested in what "Figures" say about me, - My body" tells" me all I need to know !! EG, A pal of mine had a huge report on him regarding the particular form of Cancer, he had, SEVEN PAGES of figures etc, and even a "Projected" estimate of about "10 months to live" - THAT WAS ELEVEN YEARS AGO !! and he's still going strong ! - figures are ONLY figures. - let your body "Talk " to you" - Be positive ,and good luck Puffless. .
Hello Puffless, I had the same numbers as you when first diagnosed a decade ago but with exercise,including breathing exercises, a good diet (with naughty extras) no smokin', lots of laughing, I've improved! gained a few % !! don't be alarmed stay positive,it is very much as vittorio says ''how you actually feel!'', take care,huff x
I was pleased and surprised to read some of the previous comments, as I was told by my doctor that I can't improve, only stay the same(if I'm lucky and keep of the cigarettes, exercise and use the inhaler) I have Bronchiectasis and mild/moderate COPD.
I am going for another spirometry test on Thursday, so it will be interesting to find out if I have improved. (I've been a good Girl)
I read puffless's other post she said she as only stopped smoking recently your blow test can improve when you first stop as your lungs are clearing all the muck out for the first few months, also the medication your given can help a little. So it is possible to improve fractionally in the early days. Like I said earlier don't expect miracles. Best of luck with your spiromerty on Thursday.
Kind regards
Thanks Wozzer1 I have only stopped smoking 2 months ago, on the day I was maybe!! Keep fingers crossed etc.
Regards PT xx
BUT don't be disheartened if you haven't improved as far as the results are concerned. Just look after yourself and stay well. TAD xxx
I have also had COPD for a long time and cope with asthma steroids and yoga. Unfort now a further diagnosis after months of coughing after a cold contracted in Jan I hav a slight collapse in the lung due to lung infection.( X-ray) and have been told I now have emphysema. All scary but am having rekki from a friend and take the dog for a walk daily. My GP prescribed antibiotics and steroids in a short burst, further X-ray to follow. Feel well at moment. Look after yourself, workout your lungs
with walking or swimming. Any long term coughing go back to your GP. X