A bit of a story, and I've mentioned before that my GP surgery isn't the best but there's no alternative and I endeavour to see my own GP if I can who is about the best one there.
I received my diagnosis of COPD in March, had a few appointments with the nurse whilst trying to find the best inhaler, etc. In May I had the pneumonia jab. Nurse said she wanted to test for infection first but took my word that I was fine and gave it to me, but also wanted a sample sent off just to make sure everything was OK.
I've had a mucousy cough for years and when I had my diagnosis I just thought this cough was part and parcel of COPD.
I received a phone call to say I had an infection (can't remember the name but began with an H) and a prescription for antibiotics would be sent to the pharmacy and I could pick it up the next day, then take another sample in after I'd finished them.
I took Amoxycillin for 7 days, lo and behold my mucousy cough disappeared. There was nothing left but by some miracle I did manage another sample a couple of weeks later. I took it into the surgery and thought that if necessary they would contact me as before. I heard nothing.
I saw the nurse last week to see how I was going since a change of inhaler and she said "I see you've had two lots of antibiotics". "No", I said, just the one, "I did send a second sample in but haven't heard anything so assumed everything was OK".
Let's just say that apparently one of the doctors saw the second test, somehow it appears that the results either got overlooked or the doctor thought that because I'd had one course of antibiotics then that was going to clear up the little bit of infection that the test result showed was left.
So the nurse said she wanted the test repeated. I said I had nothing to cough up but if and when there was something I'd send it in.
One week later and the surgery rings me and tells me "The doctor has asked you to repeat your sputum test". I said this had been discussed with the nurse last week and that I have nothing to cough up but if I could do one I'd send it in.
So now I have a problem. Apparently there is still some infection, it's not causing me any problems, there is no mucous, I am not coughing, rattling, wheezing or anything. I can't have any more antibiotics until a new test has been done to confirm that it's still there (as the second test showed). And they want a sample.
So................. how do I give them a sputum sample?????????
Just in case it's not coming across, I am rather exasperated with my surgery!