This is gonna be a bit of a long one so please bear with me.
In March I went to see the nurse for my 6 monthly copd review and we were going through the list of my medication and she told me she thought I was taking my antibiotics to often (about once every 2 months). I told her I was getting a lot of chest infections that weren't really going away. She then asked me what signs I look for to tell it's an infection and I told her whenever I started coughing up phlegm, as even though I have severe copd, I don't really produce much phlegm when I'm ok and hardly cough. She said the next time I start producing phlegm to bring it in for a sputum test and she would see whether it was an infection or not. So the next time it happened I did what she said. Anyway 2 days later I received a phone call from the doctors saying the doctor had written a prescription for some antibiotics for me and could I pick it up. I asked what they were for and she didn't know. I can't recall the name of them now, they began with a C. Turns out they were for chest infections (read leaflet) and so I took them and felt they worked better than my normal doxycycline. And that was that. Didn't think anymore about it. Yesterday I had an app at the hospital to see a pulmonary physiotherapist and we got to talking about my antibiotics and I told her all of the above, and that I hadn't heard back about my sputum result, so she looked them up and said I had pseudo something or other ( I can't remember the whole name) and that was why the doctor gave me the other antibiotics (I didn't realise that). I asked her what this pseudo was and she just said it can be hard to get rid of and will probably keep coming back. So I said should I get the doctor to change my antibiotics and she said no cause it might not always be that infection! So now I'm confused. Why didn't the doctors explain any of this to me. What is pseudo and does anyone that has it take different antibiotics? She said it might not be that infection every time so how will I know without taking a sputum test each time. Does it clear up or does it come back randomly. Any advice would be received gratefully. And that is the end of my mammoth 🐘 post.