I've been seen in my local severe asthma clinic and my consultant has said that because I'm using more than 3 packs of steroids a year that he was going to see if I'm eligible for Biologicals, I have a normal IgE count (However I am under immunology as all my other Immunoglobulins are deficient) and my latest Eosinophil count was 0.34. He did some repeat blood tests today and I'm waiting for my breathing function tests, I'm already on Fostair, Spiriva, Montelukast and Carbocisteine plus Nebulisers as needed. Has anyone been in a similar situation and been able to access biologicals? He also mentioned theophylline tablets??
Biologicals: I've been seen in my local... - Asthma Community ...

Hi I am currently on my 3rd admission to hospital in less than a year and they are now referring me for Biological testing as I am on same meds as you but it is not controlling my ashtma and on constant high doses of steroids. I posted a similar question a few days ago and the responses regarding Biological testing seem really positivewith people saying it has made massive difference to them. Hope you are accepted for it and good luck hope you get it.
I was referred to a severe asthma clinic last year. I had to undergo all the tests you are having or had. The Nhs then has to apply for funding, which all takes some time! I started biologic injections in August and have them 4 weekly. It has been a complete game changer. From 4 hospital admissions in a year and loads of steroids and up to 20 puffs of salbutamol a day, I am now just on symbicort and an occasional puff of salbutamol. Within days of my first injection I found a huge difference! The severe asthma clinic have been brilliant. I hope you get accepted for Biologics. There are several different ones, depending on the type of asthma. I'm on Tezspire! Good luck x
hi not a lot of help at moment am on same drugs as you but also under review with respiratory team
Were you still on steroids while they measured your the Eos? My consultant told me to try and stay off steoids for as long as I could to get a proper reading, since steroids suppress Eos.
My Eos count was 0.56 (after staying off steroids) when they approved me for Xolair. I do not remember IgE being relelvant for them, although mine were also high (still are). And yes, several uses of steroids per year plus AE/hospital admissions.
hi, I have been on bio logics for fifteen months now and believe they are magic. I have had no exacerbations at all since I started and have not used my blue inhaler at all
I've been on biologics over 2yrs and it's made a big difference