38 y/o female - meds Soprobec 200 at 800mg per day and ventolin as needed.
Hi there, sorry this is a bit long, but I am trying to explain a truly confusing muddle! =/
I have been asthmatic all my life since early childhood. I have been on and off various asthma meds over the years with minimal problems/side effects.
Following moving to a new flat in November 2022, my asthma came back with a vengeance following many years of good control on low dose ICS and no symptoms or need for reliever inhaler use.
It took me months to finally work out that the trigger was cigarette smoke entering my flat from the man downstairs, who is a truly nasty piece of work as well. On several occasions it has been so bad my bathroom has 'fogged up' with it, a bit like walking into a pub in the 90s!.
I have had the council works department out, as it's a council flat, and they have been unable to locate where the smoke is coming in or take any action to prevent it, which has basically left me back on the housing register trying to move from somewhere I really like!.
In Jan this year, following repeat visits to my GP with out of control asthma symptoms, I was put on Soprobec 200, at 800mg per day. This is the highest dose ICS I have ever been on.
One small error they made, probably due to a shortage of staff and time, is they did not explain that this was a medium to high dose ICS, and I would require a steroid card, which I was not provided with and had to make my own.
I believe this dose has caused me some systemic problems. Around April time, my asthma really flared up, and seemed to get worse following taking the Soprobec, so I, foolishly in hindsight, tried taking myself off it for a week. Nobody had explained the significance of the dose, or that I should not stop it abruptly.
I experienced some truly horrendous symptoms during that week, including:
A raging, unquenchable thirst causing me to drink well in excess of four liters of water a day, and wake up during the night to drink a large amount of water. This prompted me to suspect diabetes, as it is in my family. I have been tested for this, and I am not diabetic. My GP was so concerned they ordered an on the day finger prick for type one diabetes as well.
A 'period' only a week after my regular one.
I became so exhausted I could not physically get out of my chair, and was heading towards becoming bedridden. Doing even miniscule tasks left me too exhausted to stand up.
Profuse sweating on my hands and feet, so bad I was needing to change my socks every hour at one point.
Severe muscle weakness meaning I couldn't even lift wet washing or a bin bag.
Involuntary movement of my legs at night, this drove me mad as my legs also ached like I had flu and the constant movement hurt.
During last week and some of this week, up to yesterday morning, when I started this month's new inhaler, I began to experience exactly the same symptoms even though I had not intentionally stopped the Soprobec this time. I now suspect this to be ICS withdrawal/adrenal insufficiency caused by the high dose, and the fact my last inhaler was likely not putting out any steroid during week before it was due to run out. It also began to taste foul, so badly it made me retch when I took it and I had to take it while stood over the toilet!. Also my asthma came back really badly during the same week as well.
I have since found out it is possible for these inhalers to only spray out propellant, and not the actual medicine, as they near the end of their life. Soprobec is the cheapest brand they can prescribe, and I have never really got on with this inhaler.
Once I started my next inhaler on Sunday, the symptoms began to subside very quickly. I am pretty much back to normal now.
I have just had a very comprehensive blood test for things like Calcium, kidney, iron, thyroid etc, all the things that can cause similar symptoms, all returned with no further action needed.
Being as ALL the blood tests came back negative, and the usual culprits of things like excessive thirst have been ruled out.
This leaves me thinking the Soprobec 200 inhaler might be to blame. Has anyone else experienced such things on higher doses of ICS? Everyone in the medical field I have asked says this cannot happen, as ICS do not go systemic. Whilst this is likely true for lower doses, I honestly think higher dose ICS can have systemic effects, including withdrawal.
Is it worth trying to battle for an adrenal function/cortisol level test?.
Thank you.