Hi all, just wondering what others views are. Sorry having written realise this is a long post, thanks if you feel able to read my brain dump.
My son has been advised to shield due to his asthma (recieved the NHS letters and verbally advised by his consultant). I can and so have been working from home, my husband who works in a car workshop as a panel beater took a few days leave around lockdown and was then put on furlough. After Borris's announcement on Sunday (about 5 minutes after to be prescise) my husbands boss messaged him to say "back to work tomorrow", we replied saying we didnt feel he could go back just yet until we had some more guidance around our shielding son.
Really feeling a bit anxious about what to do, my husband is concerned that if he resists going back for too long that he wont have a job to return to, there doesn't seem to be much guidance around parents working when their child is shielding. I know the shielding guidance says that families dont need to shield but would need to socially distance within the house, our house isnt that big (don't have a spare room, only 1 family bathroom) and feel my son needs some physical contact especially now in the form of the occasional hug etc. I guess if my husband went back to work he'd either need to socially distance from all of us (not sure where we'd all sleep etc.) or we'd all need to socially distance from my son (who has a younger brother who I really dont feel can socially distance from us his parent or his brother).
Really not sure what to do??