So I know a lot of us will have seen the sudden appearance of the news that those of us who are shielding can begin to leave the house once a day from Monday.
Asthma UK posted a really helpful update this morning summarising this and apparently the next shielding update will happen on the week commencing June 15th and the government will be writing to everyone on the shielding list with more information about next steps after that 😊
“On 31st May, the shielding guidelines in England were eased slightly. People who have been advised to shield can start taking steps to spend time safely outdoors. The new guidelines say that you can:
go outside once a day with members of your household
or, if you’re living alone, with one other person from a different household. It’s advised that this is the same person each time.
Strict social distancing, including staying at least two metres apart from others, is still key. People who are shielding should still avoid all non-essential face to face contact, including going to supermarkets or pharmacies. The support for shielded people remains in place.
The change in advice is based on evidence that the risk of catching COVID-19 is now lower than it was earlier in the pandemic. Transmission has also been shown to be lower outside.
Going outside isn’t mandatory and if you don’t feel comfortable going outside, there’s no reason to do so. It might help to discuss the decision with your GP or hospital clinician.
The government says it will now regularly assess whether it is possible for the shielding guidance to be eased further, based on the latest scientific advice. The next review will take place on the week commencing 15 June, and the government will then write to everyone on the shielded patient list with information about the next steps of the shielding advice and the support available to them.”