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Returning to work after shielding

Lizangellus profile image
29 Replies

I work in adult healthcare but have been shielding since March. I've recently had a review by occupational health because of the end of shielding and came out as moderate to high risk due to my severe asthma and other conditions I suffer from. Ive left 3 messages at work since and sent 2 emails with regards to my safe return, but ive heard nothing back at all. Does anyone know of any recent guidelines/advice for this? Or has anyone else experienced difficulties? I know the furlough deadline has passed so I'm concerned about ensuring I have an income after this week

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Lizangellus profile image
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29 Replies
madonbrew profile image

Hi, I’m in a similar position. I work in a nursing home as a carer but had an appointment with my consultant the other day. I have multiple health problems and each of them individually puts me at risk so 4 of them together still leaves me very high risk. He said he doesn’t want me to return as a carer but could suggest doing admin in the office or from home.

I’ve left messages at work but also not had any reply. I’m not sure either where or when my next income will come from.

Surely you here must be some guidance or advice about it somewhere. I haven’t really looked yet to be honest. If I come across anything I’ll let you know.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to madonbrew

That was supposed to say ‘ surely there must be some... ‘

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to madonbrew

I’ve just googled and found a site:

MAKE UK .org

It seemed to be a site more for employers rather than employees. It seemed to suggest if you’ve been furloughed you can continue to be furloughed, but unfortunately I was only on SSP & I still can’t figure out from there where I stand.

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to madonbrew

Thanks for replying. Much to my disappointment, I wasn't furloughed either or at least I'd know where I stand till October. It seems we're both in the same undiscovered loophole. The end date of shielding entitlement is fast approaching and i have no idea what to do next.

Poobah profile image

The occupational health review will have recommended adjustments in the workplace to ensure your safety. A copy usually goes to the employer and you should also get a copy. I would email or write to your employer stating that they need to contact you to discuss your safe return to work in regards to the occupational health review - putting this in writing puts the ball in their court.

If they don't respond then contact ACAS for advice on your employment rights.

If you are in a union then contact your representative.

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to Poobah

Thanks Poobah. I've emailed twice and left 3 phone messages so I guess ill be getting in touch with the union. As I've been there less than 2 years, I'm just concerned that they'll decide not to keep me on. Apparently unfair dismissal claims only apply after 2 years service minimum? In which case I won't have a leg to stand on if that's true. 😖

Poobah profile image
Poobah in reply to Lizangellus

The employer still has a legal obligation to follow the due process. Silence is so frustrating and it's easy to fill the void by worrying and thinking the worse. However, I suspect that the employer is so busy that they haven't got around to you yet.

Definitely talk to your representative and ACAS, if necessary.

Good luck.

EvieJo profile image

Hi, me too!

Extremely frustrating. Occupational health are reviewing referrals at my trust at the moment and have been told to wait for contact. Update on website this morning is saying these risk assessments should include discussion with manager and employee - but mine just completed one on my behalf - she has no idea what medications doses Im on so I would doubt its accuracy to be honest. Also states that we are to be still classed as high risk unless OH deem otherwise. My manager has not discussed my return to work at all and I only know Im due back Monday as that is when Shielding pauses and Ive accessed online rota and Im on it. So Im guessing I just rock up Monday morning and hope for the best?! No communication - it’s a MASSIVE problem in the NHS unfortunately.

1974lovejoy profile image
1974lovejoy in reply to EvieJo


Have you looked at the NHS employers documents to ensure Covid safe workplace ? There is quite a lot of info in there where you could go back to them to ask what they have done to make the workplace Covid safe??

I’d also be asking for a copy of your individual risk assessment to confirm the details are correct ..i don’t know what your job is in the NHS but I know as a frontline worker I am not expected for return until the enhanced risk assessment is completed .. ALL NHS staff whether vulnerable or not are expected to have these done as they have introduced new risk factors ..

I think you may need to contact your employer and find out exactly what they have done to make it safe for you .. the virus is still very much active and a change of date from 31st July to 1st August does not lessen the risk !! We still as shielders have guidelines to follow and we are not being set free to party the night away !!

Good luck and ask the questions ... x

flossiew profile image

I have the same problem as I will be returning to the health care profession on Monday.

I got in touch with my union and they said that it was ok for my employer to do my return to work assessment without input from occupational health, but like others I have no real idea what I will be going back into and what safeguards have been put in place. I have had a course of steroids since being off, and another add on treatment which I hope will help...

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to flossiew

Its all so unsettling! To my knowledge I havent been put back on the rota as yet. I've had no reply to my emails or voicemails. I dont know the outcome of my OH review other than im moderate to high risk but with regards to safeguarding requirements it will be near on impossible to maintain any form of social distancing in my job, hand sanitizer is a known trigger and I'm excempt from wearing face masks. I mean I've been tryna wear one round the house a few times a day to acclimatise but its only five mins or so before im struggling.

flossiew profile image
flossiew in reply to Lizangellus

I don't think employers appreciate the stress it's causing. Thankfully the masks at work aren't so much of a problem for me, but the heavy ones my husband bought to wear out and about - I had a hospital appointment this week - made me feel like I was suffocating. And about work: I emailed my manager at least twice asking if I get to start earlier than usual to avoid working alongside so many other colleagues, but have had no reply. Just going to have to turn up on Monday I suppose and see what transpires... 🤷🏻‍♀️

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to flossiew

The lack of communication is so frustrating! I wish you luck. Let me know how u get on. Ill be thinking about you

EvieJo profile image
EvieJo in reply to Lizangellus

It is so frustrating - I am asking the questions, just not receiving any answers! I don’t want to not turn up and end up with it being unauthorised absence. (Even though my return hasn’t been discussed with me) 🙄 good luck everyone!

flossiew profile image

I will do! At least I know that it's usual start and finish time - my manager emailed me Friday, late afternoon 🤭

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to flossiew

Hi Flossie, how are you doing? Did you get on OK?

flossiew profile image
flossiew in reply to Lizangellus

So sorry I haven't replied till now, but I have been shattered since returning to work! Thankfully all is ok otherwise. I have minimal patient contact, and am doing lots of paperwork etc. As I work across several different departments the head of each have been told that I am not to have any contact with patients who may be Covid +

Wearing a mask all day is hard though. It's irritating my chest quite a bit, and all the rushing around to and fro we do as part of our work is hard after relatively little exercise in the last three months 😥

Signed up for weekly swab tests. Had antibody blood test - no antibodies to be seen!

I am travelling to work by car, so cutting down on unnecessary contact. Not a luxury everyone has though sadly.

All in all it's great being back, though disconcerting in some ways to hear today that someone I was working closely with before going off was actually Covid + but hadn't realised!! Thankfully she's ok.

Grateful I was spared too...

Are you back yet? xx

EvieJo profile image

Hi all, Im due back in tomorrow, been told it’s trust policy to wear the mask and my only alternative is to get an exclusion from gp but that will go down as sickness. So basically risk further deterioration in my asthma or risk losing my job - great choice eh! I work 8-9hr shifts so they better get used to me going off to have regular ‘breather’ breaks because I know it’s going to be a nightmare 😢

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to EvieJo

How did you get on Evie? Everything OK?

EvieJo profile image
EvieJo in reply to Lizangellus

Hi, it’s not going great, I’m leaving the room frequently to remove the mask and have a breather. Occy health have just said they can look at alternatives but I’ve seen others wearing masks that look far worse than the one I’m already wearing. Bigger and tighter etc which I can’t see being better. I will have to pursue it with them though. I’ve seen another colleague today who is wearing a visor only as she’s had a risk assessment due to having migraines caused by the mask, yet I was originally told I these were not acceptable so I’ll have to ask about that again!

Wow Denae, sounds like you had a VERY thorough risk assessment. That’s good. Mine was basically done without my input and I think rushed through as I was due back. I’m not feeling very good about any of it at the moment, think they just want me to shut up and get on with it!

bookdaft profile image
bookdaft in reply to EvieJo

Sounds like I'm in your same situation, I'm due back on Saturday after negotiating annual leave for last Sat/Sun. I've asked for a phased return but they are not happy to give it to me. Now they are involving HR and OH. I have repeatedly told my manager I want to go back to work but I want to do it safely as possible. I already spoke to OH myself but I am worried about HR, I had involvement years ago from them after being off 4 times in a year with tonsilitis and it was awful. Now I'm even more anxious.

EvieJo profile image
EvieJo in reply to bookdaft

Hi, I’ve just replied to your other post - before I saw your reply, sorry! 🤪

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to EvieJo

I really hope things get better, for all of our sakes! I've just heard back from mine. Im now due back in on monday, strictly office duties, theyll provide the visor type face shields as an alternative and we'll see how I get on apparently. A full risk assessment is being done between now and then. Unfortunately, I've got a consultation with a specialist for a separate issue in a few months that wasn't taken into consideration at my OH meeting, and will most likely raise my risk level again. Not to mention cases in my area are on the rise 🤷🏼‍♀️

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to Lizangellus

few weeks, not months. Predictive text 🙄

Denae011 profile image
Denae011 in reply to EvieJo

Hi Evie jo. I’ve just had assessment with occ health. I was told by manager I was low risk for work. However I’ve just spoken to clinician from occ health and I’ve been told to work from home for another month until there’s more news on covid. When I do go bk I’m not to use public transport and she’s put loads of risk guidelines in place. Work probably won’t like it but it’s tough. I can’t wear mask either. And I will need my own working space as well. I must do all meetings online for the foreseeable. I hope you get a good assessment if you can. I was going to ring unison but occ health say they get an update every day for people with disabilities and your workplace have to keep you safe. I hope all is ok for you

MrsCMK profile image

If you’re in Wales, the guidelines are that each employee is individually risk assessed and scored based on certain criteria. The outcome of the risk assessment, plus ensuring that the place of work is “COVID secure” (ie. reasonable adjustments and measures have been put in place to ensure safety) determine whether an employee should return.

Your employer needs to be seen as doing the above to ensure the safest possible working environment (within reason). Having said that, if the outcome proves that it is not safe to return and you cannot work from home, I think SSP is the option.

Apologies if none of this applies, I just wanted to share what I know in a hope that it may help.

Wishing you the best of luck getting it sorted!

Lizangellus profile image

Hi all. Quick update/vent. I've been back at work for 3 weeks now and I gotta say its been pretty dreadful. Management have yet to speak a single word to me and tend to talk over my head, directing criticisms about anything and everything toward me, to the point where other staff are asking me what on earth have I been doing to warrant it. Also, aside from gloves the only ppe I'm provided is a plastic visor, that blows off the 'hairband' its clipped too, every time I pass an open window let alone an open doorway. We are all covid tested weekly but im wondering why? as only last week a colleague had a positive result and had to isolate from work, yet no other staff that worked directly with her have even been informed, let alone told to also isolate. And the patients directly in contact are also not isolating?? I was reviewed by OH as still being high risk and frankly this blatant disregard is freaking me out. I just don't know what I can do

Lizangellus profile image
Lizangellus in reply to Lizangellus

Scratch that, just had word that there are now 4 new confirmed cases! In a workplace where social distancing is impossible

Poobah profile image
Poobah in reply to Lizangellus

It may prove helpful to talk to Access to Work to see if they can suggest what you can do to ensure that your employer is taking legal responsibility for your safety. From what you say, it doesn't sound like they are playing by the Covid rules.

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