Hi everyone! Thanks for always giving me such awesome advice whenever I had a question.
About a month ago I had a cold. It was about the first time that it hasn't turned into a chest infection (possibly because I went to Greece where it was warm!). Since then I have had an issue with clear phlegm. My throat feels quite thick all the time. One of my ears is blocked and my breathing sounds a bit raspy, but otherwise peakflow is normal and I can move about as usual. Not coughing much at all, but throat does seem thick. Definitely not bad enough for steroids, but I remember I had the same problem six years ago after a lot of throat infections. The GP gave me a flixatoid inhaler to supplement my seretide.
Anyone got any ideas what I can ask for from the asthma nurse? Ever have this problem yourself? My nose also seems blocked a lot. I tried anti-histemine but it didn't do much.