Hi, I'm on day 16 of covid and am still being plagued by sticky thick mucus. It's constantly being produced by my sinuses, and is on my chest and in my throat. I drink plenty of none caffeinated drinks. I'm having to use my Ventolin several times a day. Any suggestions or similar experiences? Thanks
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Covid and endless mucus

You're doing the right thing by drinking plenty, I think I'd be drinking at least 2 litres daily. I'm wondering if the sinus &/or chest mucus are infected?
Would taking a suitable cough medicine help? Also try using some nasal sprays/ washes and a suitable antibiotic for the infection - some people can get the retrovirus - speak to your gp. Why shouldn’t you blow your nose?
I didn't think of trying a cough medicine. I will have a look at my Covinia. I'm still learning what I can use now that I have asthma. The doctor didn't think that i needed antibiotics as the mucus is clear apart from first thing in the morning. The A&E respiratory nurse back in February taught me to breathe deep into my abdomen for 5 seconds, 5 times once an hour to keep away infection. I think that it is working. I am using sterimar and am very grateful for it. Apparently when we blow our nose, it causes the sinuses to produce more mucus and also can swell up the sinuses.
I use a steroid nasal spray for sinus inflammation, you can buy over the counter nowadays. I've used it for years on advice from ENT consultant, it was on my prescription until my new GP removed it for cost cutting
I find Benylin cough medicine very helpful - it’s what got me through an asthmatic childhood. Vitamin D is good to boost your immunity - a high dose of 4000IU might help - even if it’s for a week or so. I also saw someone report on here that high dose vitamin C for a short while boosts your immune system. Good to hear the mucus is clear. Good luck, get well soon.
There have been a few posts about thick mucus in the throat post Covid, mine being one of them. I have tried lots of things but have found that a de congestion tablet, phenylephrine 12.2mg, just first thing in the morning is helping considerably.
Yes I noticed those posts. It is a thick nasty lingering mucus. Just be careful with the decongestant as you can only take it for 7 days, otherwise you risk rebound. I took it for a few days too, but the mucus thickened once i stopped. The 111 doctor told me to steam, plus I'm using sterimar to clean my sinuses. My throat is sore from the mucus too.
I have lost my voice on several occasions but can go a few days normal then back to no voice. I had a huge dose of antibiotics recently due to dental surgery on my jaw, but that made no difference to the mucus or voice.
I've had voice problems for a few years on and off. My friend thinks that i had undiagnosed asthma for a log time. It's awful when it hurts to talk. The antibiotics don't always seem to do much. I hope that your jaw is better. I have jaw issues too as I have to be careful with what i chew as it can be painful.
I'm the same still coughing mucus up and feel as though I need to continuously clear my throat. Have you tried steam inhalation? It loosens everything up.
Yes I had a really thick mucus with covid…also sinus linked I think…however sometimes it was really thick in my throat and I felt I could hardly cough it up and felt a bit drowning in it. But I also take prescribed avamys which also helps heaps…on a normal time (without covid)
I was told steam from a shower or steaming you can these mug with masks on what are steamers they are like kids double handed mugs instead of spout its a mask that what i got told by specailist nurse also asthma nurse at gp surgery and a gp all told to steam or if you have a shower and have a seat in just sit i the shower and breath in the steam otherwise it probably be medication.
If going to try cough medicine i ws given simple linctus i hospital when i was coughing.
Hi CraftyLegoYour doctor should prescribe Avamys, make sure u use it properly, I it towards the front of the nose, tilting my head down. Try to clear your nose first, perhaps with Nelimed nasal rinse. Really feel for your discomfort.
I have had this for a few months now and have still not gotten any relief. My asthma nurse advised it was probably a nasal drip. She advised hay-fever medication and covonia. Nothing I have tried has eases it
Yes i have a nasal drip from the covid. I am also trying the Buteyko Many Small Breath Holds exercise. It does help and i believe that I have used the reliever less because of it. I am going to contact the doctor next week if I'm still using the reliever as it will be the three week point. I am also on hayfever medicine, as well as Fostair 200 and Montelukast.
I also am finding that i keep getting an incredibly dry mouth and throat. I'm drinking loads of caffeine free drinks.
I used my rescue pack of prednisilone and co-amoxiclav plus my nebuliser with saline, salbutamol and Atrovent. I got my gp to put me on Cetirizine antihistamine as well because for me it’s often my own immune system going into overdrive. I hope you feel better soon x