Basically I've had asthma all my life. It used to be very bad when I was a child but I hadn't had any attacks for over a decade. Over the last year my asthma has deteriorated again. I was put on Fostair which helped a lot until recently. About 3/4 weeks ago I had an attack and was given Prednisolone which relieved it. I was also given Montelukast by my GP as he could see my asthma wasn't under control. Well a week ago I had another attack. It was simultaneous with an allergic reaction I had to a product which made me break out in eczema. I've been to the A&E about 6 times in the last week as I keep struggling to breathe. The first time I went a week ago they gave me steroids again but this time it's not getting rid of the breathless. Every time I go to the A&E all my stats are fine. I've had blood tests and x rays which have all come back fine. Of course they keep not taking me seriously/telling me I have anxiety (which I know isn't the problem) and one doctor even made me see a psychiatrist (the doctors have actually treated me horribly but thats another story). The psychiatrist confirmed that it was a physical problem and not a mental one. I have a respiratory appointment in a couple of weeks but in the mean time I'm worried. I can't even walk out of my house because of breathlessness. Inhalers don't seem to do much. Some doctors even say it can't be asthma if my inhalers/steroids aren't helping. I saw one private GP and she was the only one who found that my chest wasn't clear when breathing out. She gave me antibiotics to eliminate the possibility and some different antihistamines. But the possibility of a chest infection is unlikely as it didn't come up in my tests.
Has anyone had any experience similar to this? It's been over a week and I don't understand why I still feel like this. Thanks