Hi - newbie here.
I've had an asthma cough for about 15 years. I only get it after i've had a cold, which luckily for me, is rarely - this is the first one for about 2 years.
My cough is generally kept under control with inhalers and it usually lasts for a month or so, then i'm fine and have no other signs of asthma, until I get a cold again.
This time, my cough is the worst i've had, so I went to see my doctor, who prescribed oral steroids, 5mg, 6 times a day, for 5 days, to supplement the inhalers.
I'm now on my third day on the steroids, but my cough hasn't improved much at all. How long should it take for them to have a noticeable effect ?
And I can't get past 380 on my Peak Flow Meter (doc said I should be up to 500)