Hi everyone,
This is so difficult to post but I really need advice following my partial knee replacement on 19th August. I take blood thinners because I have two mechanical valves in my heart. I had comprehensive care plan. I stuck religiously to the plan prior to admission, the surgery itself was fantastic but I was let down by the after care whilst in hospital. They didn’t control my pain early on, and the nurse almost gave me an infusion of tranexamic acid instead of heparin after the operation. I found out that tranexamic acid controls bleeding by stopping blood clots from breaking up, which could have been fatal to me.
Eventually after five days I was discharged and seemed to be doing okay. Then, on 29th August I went to my first physio appointment. She said I was fully weight bearing (I sure was not fully weight bearing). She lifted my knee up and It hurt me. Since then my mobility has decreased and I am in continuous pain, sometimes a painfully dull ache and other times excruciating.
I have been to hospital twice but no-one seems to be listening to me. I am scared stiff that my body is rejecting the implant. My knee is swollen and stiff and walking is extremely difficult for me.
What are others’ experiences with this type of surgery? I am so scared that this is all abnormal and am tired of the pain.
If you could let me know how you got on I would be so grateful ❤️❤️