I would like to tap into the knowledge and experience of the people on this forum just to check how my own personal progress is going please. You guys have been very helpful and informative and sometimes it’s nice to check if I am worrying prematurely before bothering doctors because appointments are not easy to get these days.
It’s been just over 6 weeks since I had my surgery, I have been able to do most of the exercises given to me by the physio ok although getting out of certain lower chairs I still find difficult and bending the knee is still restricted, slightly painful and tight.
I am walking around the house without any walking aids but I do still use a walking stick up the stairs, however I still have a very pronounced limp and after a while walking begins to feel painful so I still use my walking stick if I’m going to walk very far outside. Whenever I try to increase the amount of walking the pain and swelling in the knee gets worse and similarly with most of the exercises I try to do but especially walking. I have got a little pedalling machine I can pedal from a chair but when I even bend the knee to get my foot in the pedals it feels very restricted so actually pedalling it is difficult although I am persevering with this.
The knee is still very swollen, it is hard and warm to the touch on the outside of the knee and again this seems to get worse as I increase my activity level.
I have reduced the amount of pain killers I have been taking but I get waves of intense pain lasting for a minute or two that stops me doing anything but this does go. I am still regularly elevating the leg and icing it throughout the day but if anything the swelling has gotten worse in recent days. I am also still having trouble getting comfortable at night and change positions from sleeping on my back to side sleeping with a pillow between the knees, but whichever way I sleep my knee feels quite uncomfortable after a short while and I end up constantly moving positions. I usually end up having pain killers (zapain) in the early hours just to get some sleep.
Is all this normal for 6-7 weeks post surgery or is something not right?