Hello there, I'm writing on behalf of my mum. I was wondering if anyone could please give us some advice. Mum is 76. She has osteoarthritis and had a new hip four months ago. She was recovering well after 12 weeks, but then developed pain in the knee below the new hip. She saw a physio who said her legs were different lengths and gave her a shoe raise. That, and painkillers from her GP seemed to help, and the knee pain was subsiding, until last week, when the new hip became very painful when moving. She's back to using crutches and her mobility is now as poor as it was before her hip replacement. She's got a doctors appointment next week, but I'm wondering if this sort of pain is common four months after hip replacement surgery. She hasn't bumped it, or fallen or done anything to injure it. Thanks so much for any advice.
Pain four months after hip replacement su... - Arthritis Action
Pain four months after hip replacement surgery

Not usually, but the knee pain could well be caused as explained by physio, and although the shoe raise may help in time, all these things do take time to get accustomed to, and may well have done more harm than good in the short term if it has now affected her operated hip.
Was the physio part of the orthopaedic team that replaced the hip?
Who is her appointment with- GP or orthopaedic team. If you are in UK there should be a musculoskeletal team at local hospital...and that's usually the first port of call with any post operation issues...
Hello there, thanks so much for your reply. And for your thoughts. Very useful. Mum is seeing her orthopaedic consultant next week, so I'll make sure she discusses the shoe raise point with him. It was the physio who works with him who gave it to her. Thanks so much, again for your help. Really appreciate it.
Ok, hoped as much, but just wanted to check.
But it's also not unusual to have an issue with another joint once one has been replaced..
I had my left knee replaced in July 2018, to find that a few months later my right hip needed doing....and although it probably would have needed replacing at some time anyway, the surgeon did say he thought it could have been exacerbated from walking incorrectly from the knee for a number of years. Replaced February 2019.
So, in your mum's case the knee pain may also be osteoarthritis - but hopefully surgeon will sent her for x-ray to check.
But having said that, she shouldn't be having pain from new hip, so hope that can be sorted. Please let us know...
hi. May I ask how your mum got on and I hope she has had improvement and it has resolved , !? I know it's a sensitive issue, My leg appears shorter I am at week 9, the surgeon says my legs are the same length. I am unsure if the discrepancy is because the calf muscles shorten which can be worked on to stretch or, is it to do with the pelvis, I wouldn't be surprised if so, particularly as I too hobbled about for eight yrs without surgery on offer. This upsets me even now
I'm aware I may need a shoe riser after I have worked on the calf muscles , It only makes sense to work on the 'shorter leg '. It's a complex business you just hope you reach a good place after a year
Hello there, so sorry to hear how long you had to wait for your op. It's absolutely terrible. But really glad you've had it now, and hope you get some relief soon. I'm pleased to say that Mum's problems settled down after a few months of doing the exercises that the physio gave her. She did them three times a day, and eventually the pain subsided and she's been so much more active since then. It's more than a year since she had the operation, and it has definitely had a huge positive impact on her life. She's going for a walk with her friend this morning, and although she still has a few knee troubles, owing to some arthritis in that joint, she doesn't need any painkillers and it doesn't stop her from doing what she wants to do. She has a little ankle swelling on the side where she had the hip replaced. But that may be due to the medication she takes for other health problems, rather than the hip replacement. She still uses the little raise in her shoes. I definitely feel the physio exercises were the best thing she did. Really hope your hip settles down soon. And very best of luck with it.
Thanks, I will do. And that's interesting that other joints can be affected. Mum's walked very lopsidedly for years because of the pain from the hip before it was replaced, so its is maybe all connected. Really appreciate you sharing your experiences. And hope your new joints are giving you lots of relief. Mum had a brief window of a few weeks after the op, which were pain free. I feel so sorry for her that she's back in pain again now. Thanks again and look after yourself.
Also had left shoulder done in February 2020, just before first lockdown, so no follow up physio, but all are good thanks...do hope your mum's is soon, it makes such a difference when you are painfree....I know.
Your mother’s orthopaedic surgeon should be able to sort things out. He should have warned her there is the possibility of leg length discrepancies. You may find because she has been compensating for such a long time she is asking her body to move differently now she has her new hip and she may be over compensating somehow.
Thanks very much for your reply. She’s seeing the surgeon next week so hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of the problem. I think you’re right that she had the painful hip for so many years, she learned to walk differently and now the hip is fixed it is taking time to relearn to walk normally. Hopefully it’ll improve soon. Thanks again.
I had both hips replaced right hip went like clock work, left hip was more problematic.I had more groin pain then left knee also became painful.
I realised it was because since having the left hip done my walking had changed, so was
putting pressure in my knee, not pressured before. I have OA in my knees.
I became more conscious of how I walked.
I needed a steroid injection in my knee to reduce the swelling, which worked really well.
I do use analgesics to keep the pain bearable.
I also started my hip exercises again to help strengthen the muscles round the hips.
I have been discharged by the hospital now after an x-ray to check hips are fine.
I'm sorry about your mum's situation, good you have a doctor's appt for her.
Maybe an x-ray to see what's happening to the hips?
Hope things get resolved asap.
Thanks so much for messaging, and the kind words. I'm so grateful. I think a lot of what you said is true to Mum, too... She hasn't been walking properly for many years because of the OA in her hip, therefore, now she's got it fixed, she's having to learn to walk in a different way, and also to use the muscles that she didn't use before. I think if she could strengthen her muscles, she might have less pain. She's doing the exercises the physio gave her, and hopefully the consultant will shed more light, but I'm hoping it'll be a case of giving it more time. It's interesting that her best pal had a hip done at the same time, and she's had no problems and is fully back to normal now. I guess it affects everyone differently. Thanks again for getting in touch. And hope your recovery continues to go well. Take care of yourself.
Nope the pain isn’t normal. Left hip replacement in October 2008, right in February 2009. Sometimes if the patient has advanced osteoarthritis when the hip is replaced it does cause other issues in opposite joints usually. My right hip collapsed due to the reliance of using my right leg post op. You are on the right track and best of luck to mom!
Thanks so much for your message. Mum's spoken to her consultant now and he thinks she's got a problem with her glute muscles supporting the new hip, because they haven't been used properly for several years. So she's got some intense physio exercises to do, and he'll speak to her again in a month or so. Really appreciate you getting back to me. And hope you're keeping well.
hi. Would you know if this exercise was the side leg lift ? I can relate a lot to your mum and not using muscles in the right way for years 😢. I cant lift this side one it like a ton weight I have to say
May i ask mums age group ?
..,.just thinking I need good solid advice I feel let down by my physio and you only get to see him is it 4 times. Sadly my consultant doesn't discusss like that.
sorry. I can see mums age group. I'm not far behind but yes's we are each individual.
Il look up glute exercises. I'm so glad I read your thread and thanks for update. Ad I'm week nine I need to be on this I feel iv been pussy footing with crutches
I know it's a marathon not a sprint
Oh, so sorry to hear what an awful time you're having. I just spoke to Mum, and she says to say that she really empathises. And that it really does get easier with every week. She was very downhearted when she first had her op, as her friend had one at the same time and seemed to recover so much quicker. Mum definitely took longer.
The exercises the physio gave her were the side-to-side one that you mentioned, and one where she leaned over the work surface, and raised her leg out a little behind her. At first she could barely do them at all. But they got easier over time. She says it was hard to keep going with them when they didn't seem to help, but eventually they did. But she says she had to do them every day, twice a day to make an progress.
She says to say that she was so downhearted in the weeks immediately after her op, so she really understands how you're feeling. And it was hard to let go of her crutches. But going onto a single stick with encouragement from one of her friends, helped a bit. She also paid to see a private physio, as there wasn't much offered by the hospital. And he was brilliant.
Really hope you get some relief soon. But Mum said to take it slowly. And that she's sending loads of positive vibes to you. Mum will be 77 this year. Take care of yourself.
P.S. Mum wanted me to mention that there are some good exercises on Versus Arthritis's website for when you're ready. She said that you can sign up for them to be emailed to you every month, and that last month there were ones for post-operative recovery which she thought might be useful for you, when you're ready. But also she said to take it slowly and be guided by how you're feeling. Don't rush too fast if you're in pain. She wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Hopefully you can get more support from the hospital physio. Fingers crossed. Take care.
So kind, !!! 💐pls thank her and tell her she'd my inspiration now :). No good pondering on coach ! ( bit lower than usual as got antibiotics for water infection - dashing to loo 5 times in night unhelpful lol). Yes I need a gd physio. Iv started doubting folk I think and I did pay for one on week 2 but she was so rigorous and said I was a week behind that I bolted!
Oh no! That sounds dispiriting. Really hope you can find someone kinder and more helpful. Versus Arthritis also have a helpline number. Maybe they can give some reassurance, too. Sorry to hear about the water infection. They're miserable. Get well soon!!
👍. Onwards and up xxx
Aw, definitely. Fingers crossed for you to get relief soon. Take care. xx
🥰. The site is fab!!!!!! thanks to your mum this can be my life saver I think il a stay with this on line physio ..,.,.... she did the side lift AFTER the easier moves and referred to it as harder when you're ready X
Hello everyone, thanks so much for getting in touch about my mum. Just wanted to give an update... Mum spoke to her consultant and he thinks she's got a problem with the glute muscles supporting the new hip because they haven't been used properly for several years before her hip opp. She's got more physio sessions now, and more exercises to try and then the consultant will review it again. But hopefully this will help. Thanks again to you all for your support. So grateful. Really hope Mum can get back her mobility soon. Very best to you all.
Good for you both! Seems it will all work out! My continued best to you both!
When you consider what needs healing around the replacement it happens and pain can reflect anywhere on the leg called referred pain. I know because I had it and even years down the line it niggles. I've had steroid injections due to bursitis and now 8 years on still annoying. OK I might be in the minority but it happens. I hope your Mum improves over time and keep up the excersises .