I’m now five months post total knee replacement and am still having problems which I have no idea are normal or not. My knee is still numb on the outer aspect and sitting even for short periods means the knee is incredibly stiff and it’s difficult to stand momentarily. Also when walking it can judder which is really disconcerting and makes me disinclined to give up a stick. I have started to use my Nordic walking poles which I think/hope will help increase my mobility. Does anyone have any thoughts please?
Knee advice needed: I’m now five months... - Arthritis Action
Knee advice needed

As you know numbness is to be expected after a knee replacement. It should improve over time, although for some people in never really goes away. Normally it takes a year to eighteen months for your knee to fully heal, but if you feel that you are having excess pain I would go back to your surgeon and tell them.
Hello Bonnie It took a long time for me to recover from my knee replacement
I had numbness too but it does go
5 months isn't that long although I know it probably feels like ages
It will get better don't worry
The stiffness is normal too I found getting in and out of a car so hard but it all comes right
You will get there just don't rush it
I am on the waiting list for my other knee and having been through it I will be much more relaxed about recovery time
Take care and all the best x
Hello Cat33, I totally agree with everything you say. I had terrible pain in bed at night for months afterwards. I too am on the waiting list for my other knee. I am not looking forward to the pain again. This time I have to go upstairs to bed, last time I was in a caravan.
You will get there BonnieMagic, it takes time. Good luck. x
Thanks so much for responding and for your reassurance. It’s good to be reminded that five months isn’t long especially when ‘well meaning’ friends look at me as if to say, and indeed sometimes say, haven’t you got rid of that crutch or stick yet?! All the best to you too
Oh I know I had comments too I had a text in hospital two days after my op to ask if I was going to make a 70th meal a couple of weeks later and another friend after 2 weeks said You should be recovered by now !! They have no idea do they
You will get there it does take a while with a knee but week by week you will be pleased seeing the progress
Take care and do it at your own pace x
Speaking from experience, it does take 12 to 18 months to get some normality back in the knee. But everyone is different and I find the things you speak about still occur occasionally three years down the line. I find a crutch is more comfortable so would imagine Nordic sticks would be good too, If you have pain there are several new approaches to control pain. Do you have pain in other joints ?, if so it might impact a little on your recovery. Best wishes for a gradual improvement in your symptoms. Keep up the exercise it does work.
What do you mean by “Judder”?
As others have said, 5 months is not long in the great scheme of things…. and sometimes we have too much expectation that it will be brilliant immediately, not always helped by the medial people who can imply that as well. Plus of course it also depends on how bad it was before operation.
Just keep doing as much as you can to build up muscles surrounding knee…. if you are hesitant about walking too much, then maybe get a pedal leg exerciser that can used whilst you’re sitting in a chair… then you can do 10mins a time when you’re reading or watching tv etc…. little and often. I used one after my knee replacement - helped a lot. No need to get a very expensive fancy one, just one that’s stable…. the usual online shop has a good selection.