I had total knee replacement last month, I am now into my fifth week of recovery but struggling with leg and knee swelling,. It generally goes down overnight as anyone else had similar problems ? I can walk around home and feel good I am low level mobile again I would love to hear from others on how their recovery was. Do PM if you do not want to discuss in a post . Many thanks for any replies.
recovery from total knee replacement - Arthritis Action
recovery from total knee replacement

Just keep icing it, and resting it! Especially after walking around on it for a while.
Do you still have icing contraption you were sent home with from hospital? If not then use ice cubes in a plastic bag or frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel for about 20mins a time. Two or three times a day, or as required.
If you can take, then Ibruprofen tabs will help the inflammation,
Hello DorsetLady, I was not given an ice pack from the hospital but have my own from when I had private acupuncture some time ago for my ankle. Sadly anti inflammataries like Ibuprofen are not an option due to my lung conditions. Guess it is a case of soldiering on with the swelling treatment as its only five weeks since op on Thursday. See physio on 6th for them to check if the swelling is lessening. Thank you for your reply stay safe and well
Hiya Katie,
OK ..... still early days BUT what exercises are you doing ? What is your frequency of resting with leg raised and icing

Hi Carneuny, I am doing all the exercises recommended except for 2, one causes breathing problems and the other requires me to do step ups without holding on , I can't do this one normally. yesterday I managed to walk up and down my forty foot garden and I can get up and down stairs peg leg style. the bending knee on the bed is the most difficult and does cause some pain to be expected I would of thought. Thank you for your reply oops forgot am icing as suggested but that feels painfull too, achy sort of pain goes when you take the ice pack off.
When I had my knee replacement I religiously followed the exercises, but the District Nurse (who had same op previous year) told me to ease off a bit. She reckoned, from personal experience, the set exercise were a bit too rigorous! So maybe temper them slightly - and paracetamol (if okay to take) might help before you exercise - 20-30 mins before you start.
Thank you DorsetLady that sounds very sensible . These exercises are for the very physically fit ,younger ones , which I am not. Many of my freinds had the ops at a younger age. xx
Yes they are.
I had my shoulder replaced in February - but because of C-19 only had one physio appt, and very little in the way of exercises to be done after the initial 6 weeks.
I looked exercises up on line - and although they were okay - a few comments said the same thing - the "patient" was a man in his 30s and very athletic looking - so could do them easily - bit different in your 70s!
They weren't reflective of many replacement patients, and a bit disheartening really.
I.ve never had a replacement before , but I have had three brakes in my shoulder and attended a shoulder rehab group and was expected to pick up a medicine ball and pass it round, needless to say I could not do this but everyone had a laugh at how I did manage to pass it on, with splints on my hands for other arthritic joints.
I had both knees replaced in August and one knee has had much more swelling than the other but walking seems to help the swelling and it has more or less gone now which allows much more movement It's early days for you yet so don't worry.
Thank you , I feel I am doing well , but feel some peoples expectations are a little high. The consultant said around 12 weeks for me. My neighbour took 6 months with his hip and a freind was 6 weeks with knee so people do vary. Enjoy your day
I think you’ll find about 8-9 weeks might. Be right as you’re doing well now except fir swelling
Thank you I see each day as an improvement, I can put my flat shoes on now instead of the bulky velcro ones
I find each day there’s a bit more I can do. Sometimes if impatient I have to stop and think how much better something is than a few weeks ago!!