Hi looking for help and advice .. had arthritis for many years .. but recently had seering pain across my lower back .. had to lie down for days which helped .. pain i in lower back .. and upper back and neck .with radiating pain often in lower back .but it moves to upper .. had x ray .waiting results .. but not eating much .. any help please .. lyn ..
Help please arthritis . But it seems more... - Arthritis Action
Help please arthritis . But it seems more than that . I feel like i carrying the world on my lower back

Sorry to read you are in so much pain. It is so difficult to help when you haven't yet had the results of your Xray. Did you twist awkwardly or have a fall? I too have arthritis in back, hope and hands and sometimes the pain can make me feel sick. The trouble is that one of the tablets I have to help with the inflammation has to be eaten with food. I had something similar some years back and by twisting I had torn a ligament in my back and the pain was excruciating.
Unless your doctor has told you to take complete rest try to just gently move around as if the muscles get too tight it can cause more pain. Sometimes applying heat or cold can he!p the pain. Let is know how you get on.x
Hi .. thanks for you reply .. i now have results .. its basically wear aned tear .. report mentions widespread degenerative scolisos and loss of lordosis .. so arthritis.. upped my pain killers and put me on co codamol ... going to try gentle excersise.. lyn .. x
Yes mine was wear and tear and as you say there is nothing they can do surgery wise. Physio prescribed exercises certainly helped me. I had to drop one or two of them as they were a bit too strenous for me as I also have fibromyalgia but the ones that concentrated on core strength certainly gave me more flexability and also enabled me to walk further than before. Good luck I hope they help alleviate some of the pain.x
Hi wishing you all the best for your x ray results. I am in the same position as you and am very interested to see what the medical team advice you to do, I am going to look inot
Hiya Lyn, hope things are better for you now, and did you manage to find some exercise to help, have you tried swimming as it takes all the weight from your back, or even gentle massage might help.
Hi Lyn, hope they help, have watched chiropractors doing there thing, pushing and pulling hearing the cracks but they seem to help.
have to let us know how it go, let me know if I can help in any way.
take care and good luck
Mike xx
Mike .. been to physio .. no good just showed me how to exercise.. will have to rely on chiropracter tomorrow .. i know its my muscles .. they need some sort of massage .. lyn ..
Physio didn't work for my shoulder
hope it goes well for you tomorrow.
been told I give a good massage
Mike xx
Thanks .. hope i get rlelief today.. lyn
Look on this site
There are exercises on it for managing pain, I use some of them and they work for me. If it is safe for you maybe you can give them a go.
Thanks so much ..
Hi Lyn, hope you are getting some relief from your back pain, did the chriopracter do any good,