I have had an x-ray for hip pain and told I have arthritis in both hips and lower back but according to a physiotherapist the extreme pain I am experiencing, particularly laying in bed at night, is bursitis. Any tips and hints for managing this pain would be greatly appreciated. Physio has given me exercises to do. Hip replacement is probably on the cards but I'm trying to avoid it for the moment!
BURSITIS: I have had an x-ray for hip pain... - Arthritis Action

If you do need a replacement hip on the NHS it may be a good idea to get your name down now as it could be a very long time to get it done!!! I read somewhere that the waiting time for hips in Northern Ireland is now eighteen years! With the strike it will probably increase everywhere else.
I am sure your physio is the person to listen to in helping the bursitis.
Thank you for your reply piglette. Trying to avoid hip replacement but I expect in the end that is what will have to be done. Trying to cope with the bursitis with exercises.
I have had two new hips and I look back and cannot believe the pain I had. The best thing I ever did.
Wish I could say the same as I've been left with after pain in both. 6 and 3 years
That is terrible, why?
It's not so uncommon as people think. Body mechanics,muscle,tendons,soft tissues,bad luck. I thought I got away with it on the other hip replacement and I did for a while when boom tendinitis
I too was diagnosed as having 2 separate conditions - hip arthritis and bursitis with a 3 cm fluid filled bursa in my hip. I was given a steroid injection into the bursa which did nothing. I got a second opinion and was told that I do not have bursitis - the inflammation and swelling of and around the bursa is directly caused by the osteoarthritis in my hip. This will all be removed when I have my hip replacement in January. I felt very relieved by this diagnosis as I had tried all the recommended things to help with bursitis and nothing worked. Only a hip operation will ease your pain and the earlier you have it done the better so you can recover better and also enjoy more pain free years.
I have bursitis in both hips and physio has worked really well for me. The best advice I was given was not to sit with my legs crossed – that’s a really bad position for hips (aim to sit with knees about 10 inches apart). I try to sleep on my back too, and that helps.
I make golden paste with ground turmeric and take that three times each day, which is very good. I always rub arnica gel into my hips several times a day.
Good luck!
Thank you for your reply Quetzal01. Very encouraging to hear the physio is helping. Have you got a programme of exercises to do at home? Mine is definitely aggravated by sitting on hard seats! I am using Volatarol max strength too but not sure it's doing much good. Interesting about the turmeric. I'll explore that but I have other health issues and I need to check it's OK for me to take it.
My physio was organized by my orthopaedic specialist at the hospital. I have five different exercises to do at home, three times each week. It’s to build up the muscle strength and it is working. Within four weeks there was a big difference in my pain levels. I won’t explain the exercises as they were tailored specifically for me, and could cause you additional pain if they’re not suitable for you and your needs.
Yes, turmeric does help, but it’s wise to check using it against any meds that you are currently taking. I know that you shouldn’t take it if you are taking any blood thinners and not take it within a few hours of any other meds.
I know of some bursitis sufferers who have found that using a pillow between their knees really helps when they’re trying to sleep.
I have some hip pain, diagnosed as arthritis, which has improved ed greatly with daily exercises given by the physio, combined with daily 20-30 minute walks and losing weight. I was amazedat how much better my hips are, when before, sharp pain would pull me up and I'd have to stand still for a while when out walking. Good luck. X
Ouch it's horrible. I have Fenbin gel by prescription and massage the area with it. I've also had guided injections into the area. Bad luck on my part as never had them before the hip replacements. Just my luck 🤷😀
Look up the website of Bob and Brad. They have now organised their many YouTube videos into programs for specific joints.
This post is really helpful. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hips, lower back and kneesa few years ago. I do a few simple exercises which have helped but still get pain in bed after lying on my side. I wonder if I have Bursitis. I tried taking Turmeric but had digestive problems with it. I also tried Ashwaganda which made me feel quite ill. I am a great believer in herbal remedies but you have to be careful. They dont suit everyone. I intend avoiding hip replacement as long as I can. Im not optomistic about ever getting one on the NHS anyway as the waiting lists are so long. At the moment I use Fenbid gel and Paracetamol. Hope it doesnt get any worse.
Good to hear from you Lypsie 56. I had no idea I had bursitis until the physiotherapist was moving my legs and hips around waiting for me to yell with pain due to the arthritis in my hip, no pain which was confusing, then he pushed quite hard on a spot on my hip and then I felt real pain which, he said, showed what was causing my pain, bursitis. He gave me exercises which help, some days I hardly feel it, another I'll be in constant pain especially laying down! I do find moving around helps dramatically, walking for a good period of time and not sitting on hard seats for too long. I, like you, want to avoid HR as long as possible as I am a complete scaredy cat! Have you seen a physio? Hope you get on OK.
Hi, i have seen a physio and was given some exercises to do. I now do a bit of yoga alongside the exercises which do help. I get pain in my hips after ive walked a lot (for me) but I cant do too much as my energy levels vary due to ME/CFS. I just do what I can. Im lucky in that I am not in constant pain.
Please don't refuse HR if you are offered. It is a life changing operation. I was terrified when mine was offered but am sooo glad I had it done. Just make sure you do your exercises afterwards.
Yes I had epidural but there was a sedative too. I remember sitting on edge of trolley while they administered them and the next thing I knew I was in recovery. I was asleep the whole time.!!!