Can u recover frm severe panic/anxiety dis... - Anxiety Support

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Can u recover frm severe panic/anxiety disorder am at my wits en d + feel like they is no other awnser than 2 end my life.

leehow79 profile image
25 Replies

Normaly a really strong person. Bin through so much in my 33 yrs but nothin come close to this, in a league of its own, would of never thought in a million yrs that panic attacks + anxiety were so frightenin.

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leehow79 profile image
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25 Replies
BriarRose profile image

YES YOU CAN!!!!!! Sorry, hun, just a short reply, cos it's late - I'd fallen asleep on the sofa, just woke up and saw your post, and wanted to reply ad say PLEASE DON'T END YOUR LIFE!!!! you CAN recover - I know, cos I HAVE!

I had them - and you;re right, no-one knows just how frightening they are. I used to get them always late at night/early hours, when \i was alone. I had the Samaritans on speed dial. In the past I've called family, friends, doctors, Samaritans, the vicar, the curate, - even knocked up a (not very well-known) neighbour in the small hours once. I've been admitted to A&E with them befoore today. I've sat on the loo streaming and throwing up into the bath at the same time - sorry, but just want to let you know I DO understand! I was scared to move, scared not to move, thought I was going to die - so I DO understand.

And, tell yu what - i can't REMEMBER the last full-blown attack I had!!!! I'm not saying I'm fully recovered and all nice and calm - I'm not - but that awful terror of a panic attack - no, haven't had it for ages - thank god! SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HOPE- if I can recover, anyone can!!!!

I saw in one of your posts that you had some terrible news about your child? Seems to me you might be suffering a form of post traumatic stress disorder - don't know, but possible.

Sorry,not going to try to give you any advice atm - it's too late, I wouldn't make much sense, but just wanted to ASSURE you - you CAN and you WILL recover!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, if you really feel like ending your life over it, ring the Crisis Team, ring the Samaritans, ring 999 if necessary - but just hang on to the the fact that YOU CAN GET BETTER!!!!! I KNOW it's hell - only someone who's been through it knows just what hell it is - but PLEASE do anything rather than end it!

Hope this helps a bit. Do post again, lots of help/support/advice/ideas on here from people who have been where you are now. You're NOT alone - hold onto that, if nothing else.

Big hugs and love



leehow79 profile image
leehow79 in reply to BriarRose

Thank u so much its a relief 2 know other people hav bin ere + im under the crisis team bin cumin out 2 visit me 4 the lst 6wks. i am tryin 2 b strong but wen u r panickin 24/7 its not jst a random attack + uve tried everythin its so frightenin. I found out in september that my beautiful 14yrs old daughter is autistic + suffering frm anxiety ,depression + other phycological problems, this totaly came out of the blue + ur right this was a shock, it realy devastated me i felt like id lost her it felt like grief.

leehow79 profile image
leehow79 in reply to leehow79

She is doin much better + moved 2 a new special school but its the fear of the fear which is keeping my panick/anxiety goin im in a viscous circle i cant get out of its like im my own worst enemy

BriarRose profile image
BriarRose in reply to leehow79

Hi, Lee, hun - hope you're feeling a bit better today, and after getting all the supportive messages on here! :) It must have been a huge shock hearing about your daughter's problems, and I can totally understand when you say "I felt like I'd lost her it felt like grief." I think it probably IS grief, hun! Every parent wants "the best" for their child, whatever the best might be, and to learn that your daughter has a disability - just out of the blue like that - must have been devastating! And, yes, without wishing to make you feel worse, in a sense maybe you have "lost" the daughter you THOUGHT you had. I watched a programme on TV a few months ago about people who'd had sex changes - one - I think it was a guy who had a sex change to become a woman - his parents were hugely supportive and accepting, but his father did say - he loved his "new" daughter - but he still missed his "son"!

You still have your daughter, my love, she's just "different" - not worse, not better, but different - and it's great she's doing well in her new school! :)

Don't know if you know of this - it's a support/info organisation about autism - you might find it helpful to be in touch with other families/people going through similar experiences? Go to:-

Hope this helps, hun, and keep posting! Some lovely people on here, you're not alone any more!

Love n hugs {{{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}



leehow79 profile image
leehow79 in reply to BriarRose

Thanx so much its such a relief 2 hav other people in the same boat + i would like 2 t.alk 2 people who hav children wiv autism

BriarRose profile image
BriarRose in reply to leehow79

Great, hun, hope it helps! :) xxxxx


I know it not good time for you.I was there last year!!Be strong it will go away at some point.Call Samaritans or go back to your Gp and say how u feel.Be strong it s just a bad moment of your life.there s hope that u will be better step by step.Bestrong don t let go!



leehow79 profile image
leehow79 in reply to

Im under the crisis team they hav bin 2 visit this morn but my meds arnt workin + i feel i will always b like this.

Yes you can recover from them, i am living proof of that, and so is many others on this site. You are not alone love, i know how scary anxiety and panic attacks are, there is help out there and on this site. Look through the many posts iv posted, from early on to recovery. Im not 100% but im getting there. I still have panic attacks and anxious moments, but they are not too bad these days. I have felt like you not so long ago, this site is a god send, i dont think i could have made a recovery without the knowledge that i wasnt alone in this fight with nervous illness, and people on here have been so kind and considerate with their words of wisdom and advice, and the occasional joke.

I do have down days too, because my recovery is in its early stages and my tabs are only just starting to kick in, (20mg fluoxetine since October) i had to go on medication because talking therapy did not work with me and i could no longer cope with the panic and anxiety. It got so bad, that i lost a hell of a lot of weight cos it stopped me from eating, (from a healthy size 12 to a sick looking size 6), and cos i was not eating depression set in, and i was a total mess breaking down and losing my job. Its a roller coaster ride but with the right meds and help you can do it, dont lose hope. Vent your frustrations on this site and have a rant and share your problems, no one is going to tell you to 'snap out of it' or 'get a grip', this is the last thing anyone like us with nervous illness wants to hear, people on here will be a shoulder to cry on and offer great advice and support, which believe me, helps an awful lot, especially now when you are feeling like this.

Hope you are feeling a little more hopeful and you know you can recover from this, you just need to 'recharge your batteries' as i was told by a lovely wise man on here.


Lin x

leehow79 profile image

Thanx so much but im strugling wiv my meds im sensitive 2 most medicines as the profesionals hav said ive tried so many its unreal. I was put on beta blockers which didnt work any way but i also couldnt stand up of them, my dr said the problem was my blood pressure was normal + these r given 2 lower blood pressure + wen given 2 somone like me it lowers it 2 much. Ive had so many probs wiv the meds + side effects, i will hav 2 stick wiv it till i find 1 thats right 4 me. Am now jst on sertreline 50mg but not doin so well wiv these there not really workin 4 me but i dont think the dose is high enough, theyre weary of puttin them up bcause of the problems ive had wiv meds.

ellabella profile image

Keep at the Docs Lee ti;; you are feeling better. If you don't they will think you are ok, keep posting hun , let us know how you are x Ella x

leehow79 profile image

Really bin freakin want to run but nowere 2 run 2. havin the worst time ever, panicks cum bck tenfold.

Minnie12 profile image

Try stop thinking bad things like I want to die, when am I going get better and it don't help because your mind is in circle and feed anxiety and depression! Just try run yourself a hot bath, lit the candles and try relax for good 15-30 mins then drink chamomile flowers tea! Hugs xx

leehow79 profile image

Yeah i know im terible at over thinkin as im wot u could call an analatic thinker, ive bin panackin all of yesterday as well as 2day, its bin constant wiv out a break.Didnt think that a panick attack could last so long.xx

leehow79 profile image

Minnie can i jst ask u wot that chamomile tea frm waitrose taste like bcause its supposed 2 b quite a nasty taste is chamomile tea + im a big baby wen it comes 2 put thins down my throat i hate. But if works i will try it.xx

Minnie12 profile image

It taste like a nice fresh flower & bit sweet! You gotta to try it and get used to it but it does help!! Xx

leehow79 profile image

Cheers i will look online 4 it as i dont hav a waitrose in my area. 4 the lst 2 nites ive bin drinkin sleep easy tea by clipper it has chamomile + valerion hops in which r really good 4 nerves but the tea taste quite weak dont know if it is strong enough so i will try + buy the 1 u drink. Ive also purchased magnesium suplement like u or som1 else had sugested.

michellec23 profile image

I know how your feel i've had bad anxiety past couple months after dyeing my hair at home having a mild allergic reaction and i thought i couldnt breath ended up bad panic attack calling parmedics. Ever since keep g

Haveing anxiety and panic attacks. Went on meds but stopped taking them as the was getting really scared and freaked out and wasnt sleeping and thought this is my life forever i couldnt cope wanted end my life if it wasnt for my son and partner. Im not taking meds atm still git anxiety and occasional panic attack. Im on waiting list for cbt to help me with panic attacks hopeing that help. Have you thought about cbt therapy? Im just trying to keep busy with things i ussd to enjoy before panic attacks srarted. Im hopeing i can get through it. My mum and sister has had anxiety and panic attacks. My sister says hers just went she got less botherd by it qnd it died down and rarely gets attack now so it will pass there is light at the tunnel for you :)

leehow79 profile image

Thanxs so much, thats great 2 hear + like u i carry on 4 my only child(daughter), partner + mum. Im under the crisis team + waitin 2 c phycopherapist nxt wk, she will hopfully then put a treatment plan 2gether. Its so fightening + hard 2 c light at the end of the tunnel wen this huge monster has invaded ur life. My mum as suffered wiv terrible mental health since she was 10 yrs old + she promises me it gets better, she still suffers wiv anxiety but is more controlable than som1 new 2 it:-)

michellec23 profile image

Yeah im the same i get freaked out and scared. I find my anxiety worse at night and before my cycle and during it's at it worst. I get freaked out if i think this is my life forever or incase it's a severe mental illness and wont be able to look after my self or my son. But i have been copeing better just realise its just anxiety. It does help me talking to other pepole in the same boat and reading up on anxiety. Thats good you have got your mum who knows what your going through. My mum helps me with my anxiety shes been in the same boat and reasurses me its just anxiety will get easier. I call her if im having a bad time. Well good luck next week with phyvopherapist i hope it helps you get back to your old self again :)

leehow79 profile image
leehow79 in reply to michellec23

Thanku, really not feelin well i jst stopped my meds 2 days ago + feel extremly ill, feel like goin hospital + hav never thought about doin so. So let me plse strongly warn u + others not 2 do the same.

michellec23 profile image

Yeah your not just supposed to stop cause you can have horrible withdrawl side effects. I no my friends mum did she ran out of med had hallucations etc . Think you should get weened of to lower dosage. Try get appoiment with your doctor to see whats best for you to do

leehow79 profile image

Thanx at drs 2moz.

alfie19 profile image

I have suffered silently with depression for over 25yrs.

Afraid of what other people thought of me. So socializing is very hard.

I cry everyday but when I am in my own quiet space.

I sometimes I head voices in my head but could never remember what.

I have seen many counsellors in the past which didn't really help.

So I deceided to work on myself this took a lot of self-healing and control but made me umnderstand what was going on in my mind.

So as soon as I feel low sit quietly on my own and put pen to paper.

I wrote all my thoughts down and what was going on in my head.

This became a regular habit. So I got a cheaper Notebook and wrote the date and kept a journal. Its a great way of off-loading your problems when there is no-one to talk to.

This will help you and give an insight to your therapist if you have one of what is really troubling you so that you can move forward with your life.

leehow79 profile image

Thanku, short reply as feel very unwell, not functionin properly

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