Do many people suffer with a constant tens... - Anxiety Support

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Do many people suffer with a constant tension headache and do you have any tips? Over the counter/prescription meds don't help.

Tangerine profile image
3 Replies

Hi this is my first ever post on a site like this, so apologies in advance for the ramble.


I have suffered with bouts of severe anxiety for @ 11 years with less severe bouts prior. I don't get panic attacks but i do have a lot of what I guess are maybe standard symptoms like problems going out, being on trains, being in shops/crowds, pronounced concentration issues, poor sleep and I find it hard to cope when people talk at me for too long so office meetings become difficult. The anxiety is ever present even when by myself, walking or at home but just less but it takes little stimulus to "froth over" I also have a constant tension headache and it goes behind my eyes and what I describe as a burning sensation down my shoulders and neck (gets worse if i get more anxious), I don't have any of these symptoms when better, except a pre existing neck problem which might contribute to headaches when you overlay tension. I have had all the normal MRI /CT scans to rule anything more insidious.

Non of the SSRI meds seem to work for me to help anxiety so after speaking to doc have decided to cease taking them recently, I understand why diazapam etc no use for me other for very short term.

I and am off work at the mo but hoping to go back . I get depressed but only really when the anxiety lasts for a long time as it wears you down.

I have worked out in the past that distraction, helping others via voluntary work and trying to engage with others/friends no matter how difficult is good and exercise also seem to help. When I start to feel better I am very appreciative of how great just plain old normal is. I try hard not to let how i feel on the inside show too much on the outside.

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3 Replies

Hi Tangerine. No, you are not rambling. You are doing what we all need to do. Express our feelings. Nothing whatever to be ashamed of. The first part of your blog shows the typical symptoms of GAD. Headache is one of the most prevalent symptoms and can go on and on as you have discovered. You have suffered for a long time and the symptoms you describe have become your "habit". Please don't misunderstand; I know only too well the severity and debilitating effect this can have. You seem to be having a lot of "setbacks" over the years which means you are probably not going about it in the right way. "Setbacks" will come but when we learn how to treat them they cease to matter, loose their importance and finally disappear. Yes, this will happen but it takes time. Distraction is fine, helping others helps you, but (there is always a but, isn't there) it means you are not facing your problem. Distraction is running away from "IT". You need to turn and face "IT" and at the same time ACCEPT how you feel. (Difficult, I know). Now can I suggest that you go on to Amazon (I have no connection with Amazon whatsoever) and get a book by Dr. Claire Weekes called "Essential help for your Nerves". If you have already seen it and it is not for you, fair enough. If not give it a go. It is not expensive. I am sure you will be surprised in that she will describe your symptoms perfectly. I do hope you are feeling better. There is HOPE as many on this site will testify. jonathan.

Tangerine profile image

Jonathan 2468.

Thanks, never heard of the book but will have a look. GAD was a diagnosis many moons ago when I nagged a professional to give me a label. Sometimes honestly not quite sure what "it" is though, but accept your point about distraction. I will get better I have no doubt and I appreciate this is just a journey and in some ways having this condition has made me a more caring person towards others which is a good thing in anybody's book.


BriarRose profile image

Hi Tangerine

Really understand about the tension headaches, although I'm lucky, paracetamol does work for me. But generally it's from "holding" tension in the neck, shoulders - you could try gentle neck exercises, plus maybe eye exercises - like focus on something far away, then on something close, then far away, then close, for a few times. Oh, and rolling your eyes - look up, to the right, down, to the left, etc. Might help - no guarantees, sorry! IF you can afford it, Indian Head Massage is WONDERFUL - i had it done once at a health spa and it's fantastic for tension around the head and neck. No idea how expensive it is these days, but might be worth looking round for somewhere locally that does it? Alternatively, you might want to look to see if there are any yoga exercises around the head/neck - I know there is the Lion pose, where you basically open your eyes/mouth as wide as possible and stick your tongue out (don't do it at the bus stop lol!) for a few minutes, then relax - but a proper book/video would probably have others that might help.

Good luck


Rose xxx

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