does anyone else suffer from this i just dont know how to get out of this rut it is getting really silly i have to be with someone all the time day and night every one is getting fed up of me please anyone know a solution x
SCARED TOO BE ALONE: does anyone else suffer... - Anxiety Support

Hi milo, why you think you have to be with someone all the time?? you have to ask yourself some questions?
1. why would you want someone with you 24/7?
2.would it help in anyway? anxiety is your own, no one can help you with it apart from you?
3.anything they can do for you, that you cannot do for yourself?
no one can do anything from you, if you are dizzy/anxious/lightheaded/heart beating/ they cannot do anything, the only thing they can give you is sympathy and you don't want that.
you are not sick, it is something you have to deal with it on your own and the support of other sufferers, they wouldn't even understand what you are going through.
if you are looking for reassurance from them, you can have it here.
stay positive like yesterday, you were doing well, keep it up
i am here on line for anything you need
hi thanks i know what you are saying is right just think i might faint and hurt myself i am terrified of that x
milo I am in this situation for long time and never fainted
think about it
what did you do today??
is boring at work today and I think they will be making me redundant soon
my son stayed in and looked after me x
oh you have a son as well? i thought you had only 2 little daughters?? make sure he is happy to do it? don't make him feel like he is suppose to do that? maybe when he is at your flat engage in some sort of activity to make it feel like you are spending time together not as taking care of you
gloomy in london
hi rouri i think you may have wrong person ihave no daughters only a son he lives with me and my partner he had a day off work today weather is bad so he was happy to stay in x
oups my mistake sorry
bless him, so sweet of him taking care of daddy
hope you feel better soon
hi rouri you are so funny last time i checked i was a woman sorry cant do smiley face only just started to learn computer x thanks at least i am smiling x
hahhahaha am soooo sorryyyyy please forgive me is just me being stupid sooo funny, I am laughing as well, good that gave me a smile.
the thing is your profile is showing a shadow of a man not woman!!! i think when you start up your profile you didn't choose the female status, so the pic cam eby default!!
sorry again but a good laugh for afternnon, glad that I made you laugh
hi guys hope ur both ok ? hi milo dont b scared 2 b by urself i know its horrible when anxiety hits ,but remember we r here 4 u !! hi rouri was i right in reading that ur work might make u redundent ? how come ??
hello you I hope you well
well I left my previous job after my depression/anxiety hit me (the stress at that job trigerred my anxiety) left the job and stayed at home for 9 month before I managed to find my current job, lovely people and nice to me, very professional environment. but it seems they are changing the system and payroll maybe outsourced (still few month to know but it look like that) is not like I am in love with this job (actually my dream job is working in UN as a project manager), but they treat me well,respect,don't want to experience what happened in my previous one well lets see, I am not going to stress about it now.
thx for asking and for your concern, I am very open book and don't mind talking about my personal stuff, would always love some feed back
hi rouri im not 2 bad 2day ,feeling a little drained but ok ,thanks 4 asking : ) glad the people where u work respect u def makes a differance !! im the same an open book and glad 2 c ur being positive !!! when i was at work i used 2 feel like i was being taken 4 granted ,work my butt off and they still wanted more ,but hey thats the past !!! some of my anxiety was work related ,i did an aprentiship in motor mechanics when i left school ,and the blokes at my work placement never liked me and made me feel awful everytime i went in , i still stuck it out 4 3yrs ,and got qualified ,but by then it was 2 late guess i just had 1 2 many bad experiances !! but hey ho 4ward is the way 2 go lol !! my main reason i asked was cause i was cocerened and u wer there when i was having a bad day so as i belive treat others how u would like 2 b treated !!! : ) just trying 2 b a good person !!!
sorry if im being nosey : )
hi thanks lonestar its just that i get so frightened i feel like running out of the house last time it happened i did run out and tried to stop a car they did not take any notice of me i ended up sitting on my wall in the pouring rain crying and shaking all over basically making a fool of myself but i knew if i passed out someone would find me x
thanks all tomorrow i am going to be alone for one and half hours in the morning first time in 8 weeks i have been alone i am dreading it morning is really my worse time i get up thinking i am going to have a attack but rouri i am going to get up positive tomorrow you are so right i have got to do this myself or i will never get back on track x
little positive steps are the way ! plus distraction techniques.. perhaps a radio or tv in the background.. Its great that you are being positive.. tomorrow you will do it xx
think positive milo and good luck we r here if u need us x
HI ALL well everyone went to work i heard the door closing i stayed in bed could not go back to sleep jitters in my stomach next thing one hour later my son was home rain stopped work so not a real test went to town later with a friend but had really bad neck and headache so we had to come home in taxi THANKS ALL FOR ASKING X X
glad ur ok milo 1 , x
Hi Milo1
I can relate exactly to what you are going through and it has a name - monophobia. Anxiety UK have a fact-sheet on this condition if you want to read more see:
HI NICKY thanks i will go look this up now xx