Dealing with anxiety, do you ever just feel like your broken I have good and sometimes great days, to the point i forget about anxiety, but then it's back and I'm back to feeling somethings not right it's exhausting, anyways hope everyone's well feel free to comment if you want to chat, il like that to.
Can't switch off :( : Dealing with anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Can't switch off :(
Hi Jameswalker97, it's interesting in having dealt with both severe anxiety and
Agoraphobia, I never did feel broken. I even never thought of myself having a
mental illness. I didn't feel I fit the part. And yet, unlike yourself and others on this
forum, I never did get that break of anxiety in between. My fears, my anxiety were
a never ending daily thing. I always knew that I was more than an A personality but I
didn't figure that into a mental health issue. I still don't
It wasn't until after my intensive research on what anxiety was and how it was
related to our Mind/Body Connection, did I start to learn how to reverse the anxious
moments. I tried many methods/tools to help myself. Oh it didn't happen overnight.
As a matter of fact it took years. Retraining my mind was the start. Finding ways to
calm the racing thoughts. With that brought more control over the physical symptoms.
Looking back in why I was experiencing a symptom or fear made it easier to accept
this as an emotion and lie coming from my brain. (which then affected me physically.
I was on medication and had extensive therapy and found they were helpful but not
the key to success. It wasn't until I found Meditation and Breathing properly as the
"key" in opening the door to my success.
Anxiety is a learning experience for sure. We learn through each other. Never give
up James. xx
Hi James, there are some great resources that explain anxiety (what it is, why it is and how to treat it) one is Dr Harry Barry he also has answers on a long term cure without medication (not that medication is necessarily bad). Another is Randy Nesse who is an evolutionary psychiatrist who explains why anxiety and anxiety disorders exist (it is for a very good reason) it might help give a different perspective on anxiety and why you are not broken (but that doesn't mean you should suffer with anxiety) I hope you find it useful . Wishing you peace and health.
I feel you 💯. I was in a toxic job where I didn’t think I could live. I had to go into inpatient psychiatric facility for a week to find the right meds, and then I have been doing DBT for about 6 months now. This has been a godsend for me… and getting away from the toxic supervisor.