Conquering agoraphobia and fear of having ... - Anxiety Support

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Conquering agoraphobia and fear of having a panic attack

Lexirae_ profile image
3 Replies

I need some tips and advise from someone who has agoraphobia if possible, I have SEVERE anxiety, panic disorder, OCD and agoraphobia. I developed agoraphobia when I was pregnant with my daughter (went 3 months without leaving my house) then I finally beat my agoraphobia before for a whole 2 years almost! but 8 months ago it came back, with a vengeance. I haven’t left my house in 8 longgggggg months, like one time I made it to my car, drive down my hill panicked and went home but yeah. Anyway. I literally NEED to see my dentist for an infected tooth, but like I’m afraid to leave, and I have a separate fear of ANY medication, and a wholleeeeeee other fear of dentists and the numbing sensation. I’m so afraid to leave my house in general but now I literally have to combat ALL of my top fears at one time.. I also fear having a panic attack out of where I feel comfortable.. I’m ocd so in my home I do things that I feel like makes me feel safe and I feel like the only reason I “survived “ my panic attack in that moment was because I had done these things (I know, crazy) this is the worst my anxiety, agoraphobia and every other thing has ever been and I genuinely need to defeat this.. at least enough to get to the dentist :( any tips? Advise? Stories of how you conquered your fears because I am severely struggling.. bad

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Lexirae_ profile image
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3 Replies
gggg123 profile image

I had an illness that gave me anxiety which lead to agrophobia and I had it full on for about 3 years until I decided to get my life back. All the things you talk about are all fear, dentist, agro etc. I didn't take medication because I thought it would just give me another problem further on. I did get some magnesium glycinate, which helped alot and I was even scared to take that, but it was natural and reversible which was ok but it helped alot. I listened and watched to self help videos on YouTube, took my glycinate and forced myself out there. It took about 8 years but I do go everywhere now, even dentists ! And I'm no where near as bad as I was, thankfully.

There is no special way but I'd say go prepared, take stuff in your pockets that comfort you, a mobile phone, a tablet to ease anxiety, learn some coping methods and don't let it beat you !.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I think one of the most important things is to get medical help for your issues to try and deal with them once and for all. In my experience it's not always enough to try and do it for yourself. If you can't get out then there are phone call and email therapies available.

One of my sisters had agoraphobia in her 20's and she did manage to conquer it for many years though it was always difficult for her. Now however it has returned with a vengeance and she hasn't been able to leave home for 6 years at all and I doubt she ever will again.

If you are not already getting help then ask for it. Then try and leave your home just for a minute and build up gradually as you get more confident. You have to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Ask yourself what is the worst that could happen if you did have a panic attack whilst out? Would you die? Be seriously ill? No one of these things. Ok it would be embarrassing for you but that's it. Oh and also learn some breathing techniques for anxiety. There are lots on YT. x

amh6971 profile image

Unfortunately the only way of beating it is facing it! I had my first panic attack in 2008 on a plane. After that even programmes with planes on made me panic. I had my 2 boys in 2010 and 2013 and it wasn’t long before they started asking to go on a plan which sent me into despair. But in 2017 I decided enough was enough and we booked a holiday. I am not going to lie the night before I had the worst anxiety ever and even sitting on the plane before take off it took me all my strength not to scream and get off but I didn’t and we had a great holiday. We went again last year and again I felt the same although not as bad and I managed it. Going again tomorrow and although the anxiety is there it’s nowhere near as bad as the first time. I decided that I was in charge of my life and not to let my anxiety take charge. I know this sounds weird but I actually talk to my anxiety and tell it to politely sod off! Seems to work for me.

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