Badly need help right now. Just cant function well

Tinkerbel19 , Sometimes your fears will just disappear when you realise how illogical they are !At other times we have to face our fears head on, I try to overcome mine everyday it doesn't always work but we have to try! My worse fear is my Panic attacks because I don't know what causes them, once we find the cause of the fear then we can usually deal with them because again we realise how illogical they are, or we find what triggers them (for me it's going outside or being in a crowded place just trying to get out my front door is very hard at times ,I have been working on it by pushing myself to sit in the garden in the early hours when no one is around but the Foxes and hedgehogs) fear is so debilitating but it can be overcome once you know what causes it ,ok it's not overnight but with little step's don't try to do it all at once Baby steps one at a time!
Thank you. I know I'm afraid to have cancer. I always cry because of that. I dont want to think about it but it comes into my mind. and it controls me.
Cancer used to be one of my fears as many in my Mother's side of the family passed due to the big"C" I lost my best pal to it Aunt and Grandfather on Dad's side but I found one of my childhood friends had it seven years ago he had it cut out then Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy (not sure if it was together or at different times?) He went into Remission two years later still no return so he decided to travel came back to the UK a few weeks ago and still no return of the Cancer and he looks so healthy you would not believe that seven years ago they thought he would not survive another year! Cancer no longer causes me fear not just because of his story but the many similar stories in the last few years! The development of new drugs and treatments that are coming out on a fairly regular basis now is amazing Lazer treatment, treating Cancer with another illness that kills certain cancers ?it truly is amazing ! When it is found quickly enough! You could read some of the stories of people who have been like Guinea pigs trying some of the new treatments so they can be licenced for human treatment is so great once you have read about them the fear seems to just float away!
I wish you all the best and hope you stop worrying. Derek
Thank you but its not like that in our country we pay for the meds and doctors as well but I hope I'll be fine soon.
I’m currently going through the same thing. I’m pretty sure I’m having a nervous break down.. my body has done haywire..
so what do you do to stop your thoughts?
I’m listing to Louise Hays as I type.. youtube here. While I was showering I prayed to god to take any thoughts that’s are not serving me. Today was a good day-Helped
wow Im so amazed by how you can control your thoughts
I’m only on day 2 and it will be an every day battle that I intend to win. I will have my downs but I have to make a choice. Do I want to live like this for the rest of my life wether it be 1 week or 20 years? The answer is NO. I’m over this feeling and I’m going to release it (not fight).
Hi tinker bell
Me and you are so alike
I have a huge fear of any cancer every pain I get I automatically think I have something bad but mine triggered through losing my mum to cancer one minute she was fine the next she died of cancer that’s what triggered my fear and now I have a huge fear of death and cancer...I overthink and give myself anxiety with the thought of that.our bodies and minds work in mysterious ways and when it’s out of our control it’s scary hope you feel ok soon
I’ve had counselling all types of therapy some have worked some haven’t but I think with this kind of fear it’s our thoughts that do it to us that panic us and convince us we have these illnesses so what I do when the thought starts to creep in and you get the feelings is I get straight up and start doing something to keep my mind occupied I also talk to it in my head too sounds nuts I know I just tell the fear that I’m not ILL i haven’t been diagnosed with it so I I am ok and will be ok I keep saying stuff like that to try and retrain my brain how to think it does work after a while but then I also took up knitting and crotchet it’s amazing how quick it switches your mind off the thought
Nat x
Don’t get me wrong I still get episodes where it takes over but it took me 12 years to manage it properly
facing your fears head on is the best way to overcome them.
for me, personally i had been overcome all my fears when i felt "hey man, i have nothing to lose", and Yeah right, as you guess then no fear, and all i wish is live a better life, fear only makethings worse, but its natural to have fear, you know, but not all the time, wish you to overcome your fear 🌻