Me and my boyfriend were both virgins before we met eachother he dated someone before me but they never had sex and feel so bad acting like this I hate it actually bc I’m 18 and he’s 19 and I just wanna be able to have sex like a normal person without worrying about hpv
I’m having bad aniexty about sex stuff and... - Anxiety Support
I’m having bad aniexty about sex stuff and I feel bad about it
I wanna be able to be comfortable with sex and stuff like that
Disneyaddict, believe me a normal person also worries about HPV and other sexually
transmitted diseases. " It is wise to be cautious and take precautionary measures to
avoid the heartbreak of one indiscriminate moment of pleasure. " That comes from
my OBGynie's poster in his office. xx
Hey hun. So first off - you should be worried about HPV! It can lead to cervical cancer. Have you gotten the HPV vaccines? Do it! You should before you have sex anyways.
Always wear protection and don’t ever have sex before you’re ready. If anyone pressures you they aren’t the right person for you at all. Just do you! Visit your local OB-gyn or GP and they’ll administer the vaccine ❤️
You should get the vaccine or get him tested and use protection