Medication: I was put on medication for... - Anxiety Support

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raven1974 profile image
16 Replies

I was put on medication for anxiety it was not working so the doc has given me beta blockers and said this will this true I don’t understand why😯 it dos not help and I’m just taking medication for something I’ve not even got

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raven1974 profile image
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16 Replies
terriltwin2 profile image

Raven1974, My daughter went through this. It should help. What they do is block the effects of the hormone you have called adrenaline and they make your heart beat slow down, so you are not having those horrible effects from the anxiety. It makes your blood flow freely through your body. I would give it about 2 weeks and if you don't see any change then call your doctor. I just had a conversation with my daughter yesterday about her anxiety. Do you have any quiet time? Do you have a positive support system in place that can listen to you when you need to talk? Sometimes keeping things in and to ourselves does more harm than good. Talking will help you release a lot of stuff from the inside and you feel better physically and mentally. Praying for you. I know what you are going through.

raven1974 profile image
raven1974 in reply to terriltwin2

I’ve had the problem since a child but was always put down to I was shy.but Im44 and it’s not gone or got better.i will lie my way out of everything to avoid going to party’s or having to travel on transport it’s the only way I’ve known how to stop it effecting me.i was told I should of had support in place when I was a child and my mother was never there for me as she was a drinker so I’ve kind of had to bring myself up in the world and being put in social places now has a bad impact on me.i will not use transport meaning it effects my social life a lot .i have tried to stop it without the medication but nothing seems to work.i have started taking the CBD oil as Ive seen other say it helps .im not one for believing everything I see but did try to see if it would . that dos seem to calm me down abit but it’s so expensive it just is not going happen all the time meaning sometimes I can’t take always feeling sick every day of the week and I’m not unfit person as I don’t smoke drink or lay about.the only thing that seems to keep my mind off it is doing gardening that helps but my main problem is when someone asks me to go to a weeding or party.i know I’m making excuses up to not have to go but it’s stopping doing it that I have the problem with. I think it’s a pattern I’ve goto into all them years.i never did mix with other children at school I was happy to be alone.last year I was put into a situation that had such a bad effect on me it took me 2days to calm myself down. I’ve told the doctor about this and they are rubbish to be honest as they just gave me a number to talk on the phone and in a week they expected my problems to be gone.

terriltwin2 profile image
terriltwin2 in reply to raven1974

This step of you taking to tell your story and share is a tremendous step in healing. It takes courage to tell our stories and I am very proud of you for that. I am sorry for all your struggles. I understand. These things don't go away in a week, its a daily and moment by moment process. Reprogramming your thoughts can be done, however, it takes time. I listened to a motivational speaker on Anxiety, Mel Robbins. She said she was on meds for years for her anxiety. She realized 4 years ago that she could reprogram her thoughts in 5 seconds that would not cause her to be so anxious. She said when she was facing an event that she knew that would cause her so much anxiety, she just counted, 5-4-3-2-1, She said instead of thinking of the worse case scenario she would anchor her mind on a positive thought. In your case, when feeling anxious think about your gardening, what a good job you do and picture how pretty it is. She said this can reprogram your thoughts when facing something that makes us anxious and she said do it over and over and she said it worked for her. It's all in our thoughts and mind and when we give way to worry in evolves largely into anxiety. You can do this. You are strong and have overcome so much in your life. Stay strong. Do you have a resource of good therapist? Sounds like you have good friends, do you have positive supportive friends to talk to? Talking about it helps heal and organize the meaning and thought process. Prayers for you.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to terriltwin2

Great response terriltwin2 :)

I have help with many different methods, one of them also being Mel Robbins' 5 second theory. It works. Thank you for sharing such positive reinforcement. We

all need that no matter what stage we are in. xx

terriltwin2 profile image
terriltwin2 in reply to Agora1

My pleasure, life shovels out so much struggle, just want to encourage.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to terriltwin2

And you did encourage :) xx

raven1974 profile image
raven1974 in reply to terriltwin2

Thank you means a lot I don’t have anyone that I can tell my feelings to I’m not a person that opens up to someone’s face.I don’t have friends only 1 who lives miles away because I just have never made any by going out.i lack confidence in myself and trust due to my childhood and what I do I never see as good .so that may not help but I’m working on that part.i will try that thinking of something else when in a space full of people and see how it gos I’ve never done that so be worth trying. 👍🏻

terriltwin2 profile image
terriltwin2 in reply to raven1974

You remember you are an over comer, you can do any thing because you have been through things that made you stronger. You have a purpose in this life. I have seen so many ladies turn their lives around and you could help someone else going through this very thing. The sky is the limit, you could go to school and become a counselor and help others with what you have been through. However, just take one moment at a time and reprogram those thoughts into the things you know are good, this in return will give you more confidence.

Jitterychic profile image
Jitterychic in reply to terriltwin2

Loved your reply. I also was a person of keeping to myself and very shy as a child, being raised by an alcoholic stepfather and a disfunctional mother. I would lie at school everytime i won a spelling bee contest, because i didn't not want my parents to show up at any of the school events, i was ashamed they would put up a fight or get rowdy as they usually were. .I also raised myself up in this world, i am 58 now, and sometimes my shyness has caused me to lose good oportunities. But i am learning many things now and i am being more communicatetive and meeting other people .Now i go out more. But i will be honest i went many years not socializing because i felt the rug would be pulled from under my feet at any moment and i would end up miserable and sick to my stomach. i am only

I am thankful to god that i met a wonderful man whom i married and raised my kids with. We raised 3 beautiful and emotionally healthy kids. Sometimes i have flashbacks of my childhood, but when i look at my children i know i did a good job. Hiding all those awful memories hasn't been easy. Anxiety has always been my worst enemy, but i am coping and winning.

raven1974 profile image
raven1974 in reply to Jitterychic

Yes I’d lie to stop my mother turning up at the school .she abused me bad and I lived in silence and one day sent me to school after hacking hell out of my hair and Made a mess .and it was so bad my nan took me out of school and said come on your going to the hair dressers I’m not having this.i spent most my life sitting with my great nan and nan both are the reason I did not totally give up. My confidence got better when I met my wife but it’s not right still I will say sorry to people when I’ve not done anything my wife said to me you do know your saying sorry when someone walks in a shop door and you was already on your way out.i still do it now but in rushing around all the time to and don’t want to be trapped in a crowd of people . I think we make a bubble and get stuck in it. I miss my nan so much she was there for me to chat to.i guess I also feel that others judge me .but like yourself I have a wonderful wife who has give me a lot of love 👍🏻 some lovely people on here I was worried about what people think .

LadyO4 profile image

I understand your pain. Try going to a functional doctor who actually knows how to target the root cause of the problem instead of glossing over it with harmful drugs. You will never feel better until your hormones are back in balance and a drug cannot do that for you. You body wasn't designed to handle toxic drugs that mask the real problem. Get the right kind of help and be good to your body. Let your body function the way it's supposed to. Understand how this can happen without harmful drugs that just jeopardize your hormones. Let your body use hormones the way God designed.

raven1974 profile image
raven1974 in reply to LadyO4

That’s the problem we don’t have a doctor that stays for more then a few weeks so by the time I sit and chat to them and go back I’ve goto do it all again.its crazy how the answer has become medication now days .but I’ll keep going back until they wake up

LadyO4 profile image
LadyO4 in reply to raven1974

I can see why you are so frustrated then. I didn't realize the limitations you face.

Doctors have limited resources, and in order for them to feel like they are "helping" you, they can only offer you help from their limited supply of answers, which aren't the answers at all. They may have been trained to listen to a person's story and offer them a quick fix of medications, because that's all they have to offer.

May I ask you what kind of a diet you are on? I am not prying or trying to be nosy, but diet does play a role in your well being, and I am very interested to know what you eat. If you are not comfortable sharing, please don't - I completely understand.

raven1974 profile image
raven1974 in reply to LadyO4

Your fine I don’t mind . as a child my health was always bad anyway I was always on vitamins .but my diet was bad because all we had was chips from a chip shop as my mother was a drinker so health never come first the money was spent on drink .we never had fruit or anything .but soon as I escaped it I did eat a little better now and then but because of my ways I did not eat much.when I met my wife and felt wanted and loved and happy I started eating a lot I eat fruit veg and things I did not it’s only been the past 7yrs I’ve been eating stuff like fruit and veg.but I guess years of neglect don’t help but I now do eat that stuff 👍🏻

LadyO4 profile image
LadyO4 in reply to raven1974

I am so encouraged to hear you are able to eat such good foods! Most people have no idea how food and anxiety are connected, or how sleep and exercise are also connected to it.

The short version is that when a person eats a bad food (all processed foods, all sugars, carcinogens, pesticides, GMOs, junk foods, prepared foods, bad cooking oils and fats, toxins, chemicals, hormone disruptors, fast foods, etc,) it cannot be metabolized in the liver properly, thus setting off a chain reaction that disables normal hormone production that needs to cross the blood brain barrier and mak you feel better.

Since 70% of serotonin is made in the gut, the slightest amount of bad "food" will offset the process. Try doing some research - it's an intensely fascinating study.

So keep eating fresh food whenever possible. Exercise stimulates hormone production that makes you feel better, and sleep - never underestimate the power of sleep! It regenerates cells needed to carry oxygen to your brain, among a thousand other functions necessary to make you feel good.

Bassgirl profile image
Bassgirl in reply to raven1974

So true

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