I’m so worried I’ve got a different mental illness like psychosis or something because I’ve been experiencing derealization/depersonalisation all day everyday for the last 3 weeks but more worse in the last week. I don’t recognise my surroundings or my family even tho I know who they are everything just looks strange and I feel like I’m in a dream! It’s so scary and I’m afraid I’m going crazy and just loose my mind completely! I’m also severely agoraphobic I can’t even step foot outside my front door the last time I went out was to the doctors a week ago
Health anxiety : I’m so worried I’ve got a... - Anxiety Support
Health anxiety

Hi Emilyxb
I’m so sorry to hear the upset you’re experiencing ,I do have anxiety but I’m trying to let you know that we are with you on
this Forum!

Thankyou so much!
I have bad health anxiety to the point people think it's cry wolf my fear is the C word and appendicitis cause I don't to have to have surgery can't stop googling I order bowel cancer kits to check blood and alsorts
I get so worried about cancer too atm I’m really worried I have a brain tumour I used to call an ambulance like twice a week because my panic attack made me feel like I’m dying they still do but now I’m too scared to leave my house unless I really have to like going doctors. Not a day goes by where I feel normal and I don’t know how to cope!
I am that bad urgent care know me by my first name haha I find piano music calms me and also talking about the problem helps as well. I keep worrying about brain stuff as well cause I keep smelling stuff what's not there but I have small walls in my nose. But my head keeps saying different it's viscous
Yeah me too aha my doctor is getting so fed up with me so I don’t even go anymore. I just hate experiencing derealization because I think I’m gunna go crazy and I’m so worried about loads of physical illnesss my life feels ruined!
I'm the same, the less you think about the insane feelings and derealisation they will lift. It's our minds own way of pretecting its self. A lot of people feel this way who experience it x
I am just reading your Response Ladybug90 I do too agree with the concept on hindsight ,”if you think
Lesser about the confused thoughts insane cobweb it will get better.,😅👍👍👍♥️
Good luckwith the footsteps if ..you talk with some therapist,s God guiding Light too! 🤗
Good Luck Emily xb...🤗
I have experienced Counselling and too my thoughts about illhealth emilyxb ,was very sad too sad to actually speak here about.,.I spent about a Year going to sessions and boy oh boy!Sweets I HAVE-NEVER HAD THIS MUCH So MUCH LESS NEGATIVE,s THOUGHT WAVES BEEN. STOPPED! Yes Yes I’m also s retired person/nurse practitioner and I’ve never studied Pyschology/Human
dynamics but my LIFE is a MIRACLE so my Thanks To ALL
The odd occasion if it arises I consciously practise chanting and the “Horrid thoughts DO disappear

I’m doing counselling at the moment but havnt been able to attend because of me struggling to leave the house. I’m just afraid of losing my mind or dying. I just hope I’ll be able to find something that helps me
emilyxb ,for sure ,yes keeping relations seem to help me too! X
emilyxb HOPE is good Very Good ok!
Emily, sorry to hear that. Got similar stuff going on, but some differences too. Praying for both of us to have the courage to keep going & find a solution to getting healthy again. It is scary, please don't let it completely define you, fear that is. We're all scared, really are. There's comfort in knowing that we're not alone. Bless us all.
Yes, we need to find something we're passionate about, gives us a purpose, can say it, but doin it is another? It's a vicious circle of rumination, the same thoughts over n over, exhausting.. health anxiety is a daunting one, to think your convinced you've got 'something'? Usually not the case.Yeah, takes its toll. Mental illness is serious. Much more anxiety than there used to be. Idk?...maybe the changing times..good thoughts n prayers to everyone.
Omg Emily I’m right there with you!!!!
I saw a psychiatrist yesterday because I was terrified I was in psychosis. What I was told is 1. I’m not. And my anxiety is BAD. As is my agoraphobia.
2. People with psychosis don’t know they have it.
Do you feel better now?
I have sever agoraphobic I never leave my house it’s been that way for 6 years now the only time I did leave was to see a doctor to be diagnosed it was really bad