Hello. Has anyone tried CBD/Hemp Oil for anxiety?
CBD Oil: Hello. Has anyone tried CBD/Hemp... - Anxiety Support

I take a couple of CBD gummies when I'm in a stressful situation. It seems to help take the edge off. I stay away from THC, though.
I take magnesium glycinate and a supplement called True Calm every day.
okay nice. do those supplements help?
They seem to help. I've been feeling somewhat better. It's not easy to swallow those big capsules, though!
lol I hate big pills, they are the worst!
I’ve heard about Magnesium Glycinate and how good it is for anxiety.
Stovall, Magnesium G works well for me. I also take "B Stress Complex" made by Twin Labs. Another one is Kali Phos...it's a nerve nutrient salt and keeps my nerves smooth and eliminates shakiness.
okay nice. My mom actually just bought me PhramaGaba. one of the employees said she uses it and it really helps her. I was looking for something that is fast-acting. I take Anxiety-Free by Ridgecrest, and it helps a little, but it takes a while to get into the system. The PhramaGaba is a chewable tablet.
where can i buy quality controlled cbd gummies or oil?
Select CBD has a variety of drops and a very good reputation: selectcbd.com/
I live in California so I can buy gummies in cannabis stores. One that I tried and liked that you can also get online is called Green Hornet Gummies. You'll probably want to make sure you order CBD and not THC.
I like what I saw, and they have a variety of vape pens as well. would drops or the vape pen be better?
They work the same, but vape pens work instantly while drops work for a longer time.
I used it when I had trouble sleeping and it worked well and was fast acting. I also didn't have a hungover feeling the next day like i did when i used a pharmaceutical sleep drug. My CBD was a tincture that i used about a half-hour before going to bed. I'm fortunate to live in a state (Oregon) where it is legal and easily available. Mine was CBD only with some additional herbs in it and had no THC. I never liked smoking weed, it always made me paranoid so I have stayed away from it.