i woke still with the negative thoughts pushing me the edge and also i been not wanting to eat and feeling Nauseous and wanting to cry because of my thinking and negative thoughts i wasnt like this it started two days ago with out knowing why probably from hearing the news kids killing them selfs i do not know but im afraid sometimes i just wanna brake down ama start this new job also for fedex and dont know if im going to start because the way of my thinking and not feeling like myself i just wanna burst out crying while writing all this right now but im trying to be strong
Goodmorning i woke up still bad. - Anxiety Support
Goodmorning i woke up still bad.

Good Morning Johnnie, I'm sorry that the feeling is still there. Now that you have explained that you are to start a new job with FedEx, it all kind of makes more sense where this is coming from. Your anxiety right now along with the "what ifs" is at an all time high. Yes, I will agree that what we read and hear in the news can impact our emotions but doesn't mean it will happen to you.
I go by what I have experienced in my past. When taking on a new job, the doubts come over us, the fear of going out of our comfort zone and taking on a new challenge becomes frightening. It's your mind sending up all kinds of red flags. Anxiety doesn't like changes, we actually feel better suffering because we know what to expect.
Does this make sense to you Johnnie?? A quick question for you. If you could drop out of taking that job, would you feel relief? The answer lies there to the symptoms that you have been displaying for the last couple days. I've been there myself. Not proud to say, that it wasn't until I called and bowed out of taking a certain job, did my anxiety come back down.
I'm not suggesting you do that. Talk more to the forum.. Take other's input to heart. The final decision is yours. Have you talked with your doctor or therapist about this? Take it easy my friend this will work out for the best. x
its not about the job im feeling this way for no reason even my mom say im acting wierd if im ok she like you look down and i havent ate for two days all the negative thought about suide i never had this ever sense two days ago it started i was good just the sympthoms in my body now its like my head all the negative thoughts in my head and feeling down even cry for soem reason thinking aboout it i havent ate sense yesterday i get nausous like tonthrow up i just dont feel well i went to the interview for the fedex job i was nervous but i was good after thats not really in my mind the fedex job is just the negative thinking bad stuff and this nervous feeling in my stomach legs tingling just worried and down suside thoughts for no reason i wasnt thinking all this i was good remember ill just post about the physical symthoms in my body thats all now its this evil thing im a bit scared about it.
Ok...so we ruled out that it's not the job. That's good. I still say you need to reach your doctor or therapist because the feelings are so strong. However, are you on any medication or have you taken anything different recently. You know there are meds that can cause these scary suicidal tendencies. The thing is Johnnie, no matter where it is coming from (maybe even a chemical imbalance) it needs to be addressed now, not tomorrow. I'm concerned because you are not eating as well and that will only make you weaker physically. Please let your mom help you. I know she is concerned as well.
You can't go on like this, it must be addressed by your doctor. We care about you on this forum, you know that. This seems to be different than what you were experiencing before. Please take some help in getting better. Please. x
im not taking no meds at all or seen any docters about you know i just need to find away to feel better and leave those thoughts and be myself again you know.
Johnnie, I agree totally with b1b1b1 in that you are suffering too much. You can't fight these feelings on your own any more. I want nothing more than for you to feel like yourself again.
I won't keep badgering you because I know how much anxiety that can create but I will ask you one more time to do yourself a favor by asking your mom to help you get the help you need. You won't be alone in this, we will be behind you all the way.
Johnnie - Please find a therapist and a psychiatrist as soon as you possibly can, as Agora also advises. You don't have to feel like this. You are suffering too much and help is available. If you do not have a psychiatrist, call your GP or your cardiologist and tell them how you are feeling. Ask them to recommend what you should do. If making these calls is difficult, ask your Mom to make the calls. If necessary, go to an emergency room and ask them for help.
yeah because these feelings are getting out of hand im trying to fight these feelings be myself again i want to feel like myself again.
Johnnie - I understand that you are trying to fight these feelings. The important thing is that you don't have to fight them alone. Help is available, but you have to ask for it and then it will come, and you will be able to feel like yourself again. I know that men often don't want to ask for help, and want to solve their problems themselves. Many men do need help, though, and it is necessary to accept that and ask for it. xx
yeah you right so what should i doo ? and also should i take the meds but wouldnt make it worst ?
Try to find and make an appointment with a psychiatrist. Let your Mom help you with making the appointment. Meds would not make it worse. There are some anti-depressants, such as Paxil and Zoloft, which also have a calming affect. I take Paxil. Then find a therapist just for talking. It is very helpful. xx