I'm so tired of all These animal abuser's. I get on Facebook and there it is . I can't even describe the emotion and sadness I feel, and then rage. I start crying and shaking and say why to this beautiful animal who just wants to love you. I have posted to so many websites for the protection of Animals. T.V. stations etc. The people filming the abuse, Do they ever rescue the poor animals? This is so sick, and I m so outraged. Something has to be done.
Animal abuse: I'm so tired of all These... - Anxiety Support
Animal abuse
I too feel very strongly regarding this subject, seeing any kind of distressed animal or hearing about the abuse just completely destroys my heart, I absolutely can't stand it, some of the human population disgust me with their treatment and views on animal abuse, these people need treating exactly the the same as if it was a human child they'd abused, because in my veiw there's no difference in the ability of a child or an animal in being able to defend themselves! Even though I'm recovered from anxiety this subject still affects me the same and fills me with anger! Completely with you on this xxxx
hello 100% with you on this and have felt empathy for animals since a small child a LONG while ago you could join twitter there is a great deal of animal activism on there, tons, there are constant petitions to sign, which DO make a difference,you get informed of results, also 'tweet storms' for things like Yulin, the chinese slaughter and eating of 'mans best friend' this is the best i can tell you, i DO HOPE you join,there are no restrictions or costs,tho' you can donate to a cause if you wish, all the best look for TRUE GREEN PATRIOT if you get on there !!Ciley ps i suffer badly from worrying and,it seems, endless 'bad luck' and am moderately depressed, i find twitter helps going on there soon !