God wants to see us healed; he longs to make us whole. Remember to say a prayer no matter how short or long for all those in this support group. Let God go with us as we seek our healing through therapy, medication, exercise, self help literature. God will give us the insight needed to get to our ultimate goal, health and wholeness. Have a great day!
Healing and Prayer: God wants to see us... - Anxiety Support
Healing and Prayer
Completely agree and is the reason I've been able to get rid of the anx.

thank you for your posting. Do remember our wonderful Anxiety Support community is diverse. Faith values vary from none to extreme. We are supportive of all.
Yes, thank you. I am mindful that there are different faiths, however, I am a Christian and as such I know that God created everyone and loves everyone. That is the direction I come from.
Hopeyou had a good day 🌻
I had a good day. I started volunteer work today. Overall it was a good day. It started out with a headache, a little anxiety but I got very busy and just forgot I was feeling anxious.
I hope you had a good day too. I think for me it is setting daily goals then going about to accomplish them that helps me.

Amen my dear sibling in Christ !❤️ and so awesome that you had a good day
Amen Daniellesparkles, and we all will have plenty more good days for they will outweigh our bad days, or so the song writer wrote and I agree. Be blessed my sibling in Christ.
Having a lot of issues with my faith especially because of my anxiety 😔💔
I can relate. Until I realized God did not cause this nor does he want this for us. It took me awhile to realize God is a loving God. I had a fear of God and not a relationship with him. When I developed a relationship with him my attitude changed. It is God that has seen me through some trying situations. If you can imagine being loved completely everything about you, all that you are, that is God. He wants you whole. The scripture and above all I wish that you will prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers is proof. One thing I have always done was to take God at his word, and that is His word. You just have to learn what his heart is and it is to love you out of your situation, out of pain to health and wholeness.

Thanks for your response . I can relate to it . I’m just going to pray on it that’s all i can do
Needhelp123, God isn't running a holiday camp here where everything is hunky dory. He sends these things to try us, we are here to be tested. But He never sends us burdens without giving us the means to solve and survive them.
I'm not so sure about all of the scriptures, they've been jingled and jangled by people with their own agendas over the ages. But the King James version is pure poetry.
Somebody who experienced an NDE and came back asked God: "Hey, why is there such suffering in the world, you're God, why do you allow it?"
The answer came: "There has to be pain because there is love." I think I know what it means.
I think it is all about the relationship you have with God and what He speaks to your spirit that helps you to understand the journey we take in life. Deep calls unto deep (psalms 42:7). Also a scripture, “According to the power that worketh in you”. As God is able to tap into what of himself he has placed in you, he can reveal to you what you seek to know.