Advice on coming of propanalol : I've been... - Anxiety Support

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Advice on coming of propanalol

Jane3285 profile image
33 Replies

I've been in propanolol for a few weeks now. At first all was great but I'd like to now come of them as they seem to be giving me some terrible side effects:

Shooting pains in chest and head

Aching all over body

Pins and needles

A strange popping sensation in my neck (like a bubble popping )

Blood pressure is low 90/60

Extreme fatigue

I am putting these symptoms down to the medication as I feel fine until I take my tablet then shortly after the symptoms start. I'd like to know if anyone else has had bad side effects and what's the best way to come of them? I'm only on 10mg at the minute too. The drs advice come if slowly but I'm worried about my heart rate sky rocketing. Other peoples experienced would be greatly received.

Thanks ☺

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Jane3285 profile image
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33 Replies
Janieliza profile image

They are great meds but don't suit everyone and yes they do come with a few nasties re side effects. I used to have horrible nightmares. Please may I ask what mg you are on?. Maybe you could lower the mg but you must do it with the doctors guidance and the effects when coming off them(stopping without reducing) isn't to be all. It may be that you require something else. But pls pls pls do it with your doctor knowing everything as propanolol has to be reduced slowly. I'm sorry I can't offer more advice. Take care. Janie

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Janieliza

Hi I'm only on 10mg (reduced from 40mg) do not a high dose at all but they are just making me feel terrible. Great that the palpitations have stopped but not enjoying the side effects. Although I'm aware some of them will be the result of low blood pressure. I wish I never started them if I'm honest. An alternative way to control my anxiety would be better. Thanks so much for the advice you've given

Janieliza profile image
Janieliza in reply to Jane3285

I wasn't a fan of them either but like yourself, they helped with the palps(alongside a lifestyle etc) I would honestly speak to the doctor as soon as you can. You've done so well coming from 40mg that it's a shame you aren't feeling so good now. I do hope it's sorted for you...if you can and you feel comfortable doing so...could you let me know how you get on pls? Sending you my best wishes. Janie

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Janieliza

Hi yes I've adopted a lifestyle change too. Cut out coffee etc. Yes of course I'll let you know. Do you mind me asking how you feel with the palpitations? Techniques etc?

JoMarie5 profile image

My doctor told me to take mine as needed. I also take 10mg but I have never taken the whole dose . I spilt it in half and only take 5mg . Hope this helps .

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to JoMarie5

See my Dr never really told me anything. Infact he was incredibly rude. Me being me though didn't ask.

JoMarie5 profile image
JoMarie5 in reply to Jane3285

Why was your doctor rude ? I feel like that’s not OK for somebody to treat you like that when you’re already going through a tough time .

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to Jane3285

Hi Jane, that’s disgusting that your doctor is rude. GP’s are the ones we turn to, initially. Can you ask to see a different doctor or change to another surgery, where they should have empathy and compassion. I have experienced something similar. I went hone and told my husband and he went round to them and read them the riot act. They fell over each other, trying to be nice to me lol x But if you have low self esteem, it could knock you down to a worse place. But, hey, we’re not like that in here! Take care 🌷🌷

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Denhans

Exactly. Yeh I'm already booked to see a different Dr. My self esteem is really low and that incident just made it even harder for me to book another appt. No I've had some great advice in here ☺

Jane3285 profile image

When I went in to explain how I'd been feeling his reply was "so what do you expect me to do about it " to which I replied "You're the Dr you tell me" if I'd known what to do I wouldn't have been there in the first place.

JoMarie5 profile image
JoMarie5 in reply to Jane3285

Wow ! What an asshole. Excuse me but that’s just not right . I’d switch doctors.

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to Jane3285

Oh Jane, I hope you have reported that awful doctor! Complete Ass. Time to find another doctor. I bet that knocked your confidence. I would have gone sick at him. I suffered an eptopic pregnancy and was so poorly, it took about 3 months to recover. So when I became pregnant again I had to have a scan ASAP. I went to the surgery for my appointment and everyone but me was called. I asked the receptionist if she’d forgot me, and she had a go at me saying I was late and all kind of stuff m. I went in to see the Dr and just started crying, as I was telling him how rude she’d been, she came in and started saying I was late and blah blah. The Dr told her to go. All this time my husband was sitting in his car in the car park. I told him what went on and he blew a fuse!! He called her everything😱 He’s not very tactful “ who the F.... are you , upsetting my wife.. You fat F.....” I was mortified! A little while after that they put notices up about being verbally abused! But everytime I went there after that she licked my butt! I’m not suggesting you do anything like that. But you can report him and never have to see him again! Hugs coming your way🌸🌸

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Denhans

Oh that's horrible. So sorry you went through that. Maybe it's just my opinion but I find drs receptionists don't exactly have the best reputation as it is. The ones at my drs surgery are extremely snotty. If anyones a drs surgery receptionist on here please don't be offended. I'm talking from personal experience. Well I've dropped down to 1 propanalol a day this week and wow what a difference. I feel better. Not 100% yet but certainly better. It definitely knocked my confidence and it's pretty much non existent as it is!! Thankyou for your message it made me smile

RubixCube93 profile image
RubixCube93 in reply to Jane3285

I've moved a lot in the past few years and had nothing but bad experiences with every doctor's receptionist. Not sending sick notes I've paid for, losing my files and the worst is assuming they're the doctor and trying to give patronising medical advice!

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to RubixCube93

Yes!! I often think they are so patronising because they feel bitter about not making it as Dr 😕. They really are terrible.

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to RubixCube93

I don’t know if you have ever seen ‘ Eastenders’ a character on there called Aunt Babe, she has a piggy face with a snout.... That’s what the receptionist in my surgery looks like.. and that’s what I call her lol. I’m so bad 💜

Jane3285 profile image

Yep. I've switched to a different Dr now who seems much better

Janieliza profile image

I would try another doctor yes, the patient/doctor relationship should be a comfortable one and I'm sorry you were treat the way you were. I often think they only have so long to see a patient so are frustrated when someone comes in with a long list but even then it's not acceptable to be spoken to the way you were. Pls be careful tho that just bcas one person can 1/2 a 10mg and it be ok....speak to the doctor first...ask the receptionist if they have a doctor who understands anxiety and depression, some practices do...if not..mention you are anxious about the app and could they send you to a general practitioner who has a calm manner. That helped me anyway. Janie

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Janieliza

Absolutely. I have an appt on the 24th with a new Dr. She's the one who wants me to try come of the tablets due to low blood pressure. She told me to continue this week on 2 tablets and then drop to 1 and then come of them completely. Bit worried about coming of them though. I just wish I never started them. Might have stopped the panic attacks but my anxious thoughts are through the roof right now.

Janieliza profile image
Janieliza in reply to Jane3285

They are good aren't they for palps etc. You probably will suffer some emotional discomfort as they are like a crutch almost to prop you up when you don't feel right. I know that and ive been there. Honestly I didn't have too many probs coming off them but I certainly won't say it was a walk in the wasn't. Hopefully she will prescribe you something that doesn't interact with your blood pressure...there are a few(depending on which country you live in) . I was nearing the end of my anxiety and depression when I came off them...i knew I was ready so asked the doctor for their was done slowly and ive never looked back so trust me when I say you'll get there. I'm pleased you are seeing another can make a difference. Take care. Janie

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Janieliza

Fantastic for palps. Something I never experienced until I got a viral infection back in November. I am in the UK. As long as I follow this new Drs orders I should (hopefully) be ok. It doesn't make your heart rate go to high coming of does it? That's my biggest worry

Janieliza profile image
Janieliza in reply to Jane3285

Me too(UK i mean) no it shouldn't but if you are worried just speak to the doctor and they should put any fears at ease. I can only speak from personal experience and no I didn't go through that but everyone's different. I think you'll be just fine...try not to worry even tho it's easier said than done. I'm always here to speak to if you are struggling x

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Janieliza

Thankyou ☺ Well I'm thinking as it's a low dose (10mg x2 a day) it shouldn't be an issue. I just worry far too much.

Janieliza profile image
Janieliza in reply to Jane3285

I don't think you will have any probs and actually the fear is doing what it's supposed to do I'm afraid and making you anxious. Hopefully the doc will put your mind at rest xx

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Janieliza

I hope so ☺ She seemed much more thorough than the rude Dr too!!

Janieliza profile image
Janieliza in reply to Jane3285

That's great because it's what you need and deserve. Don't forget you are relevant and how you feel is important x

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to Jane3285

Jane, the rude Dr, was that a man or woman.? X

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to Janieliza

Hi there, surely that is a given that doctors/ all of them.. should be 100% supportivet and knowledgeable as mental health affects 1 in 3. If they aren’t ( which in 2018, is unheard of) the Dr’s should be struck off!! You seem a very reasonable person, unlike myself. But asking the nosy receptionist!! They’d have a field day. Sending you hugs as you sound reasonable and compassionate, unlike the GP’s lol🤗

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Denhans

Sorry I thought I'd replied. The dr was a man. A very rude and miserable man!! I completely agree. Well I like to think I'm reasonable. It takes alot to push my buttons anyway.

Nathan1984 profile image

Did you find the Propanalol helps with the anxiety and anxiety side effect? I’ve just been prescribed these and did not know they were addictive. I guess what I’m asking is are they worth it? Do they really work for Anxiety?

Jane3285 profile image
Jane3285 in reply to Nathan1984

Mentally no. They just stop my panic attacks and palpitations. Besides that the anxiety is still there. I still suffer with the aches and pains that sometimes accompany anxiety too. Some people find propanolol amazing. For me though despite no longer having panic attacks, I still feel many other physical anxiety symptoms. Remember everybody is different though and you may find they are wonderful and just what you need. I hope this somewhat helps.

SOPHIA24 profile image
SOPHIA24 in reply to Nathan1984

I never knew they were addicting. I know that you can’t just stop them because you go through withdrawals. Good to know I’ll have to mention it to my doctor and see why he did not tell me that.

SOPHIA24 profile image

Hi Jane, propranolol does lower your blood pressure and makes you lightheaded. I’ve been on it for a while now I don’t feel that it really helps with my anxiety that much I think it’s really a blood pressure medication’s but that’s just my opinion.

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