Hi umm first post, new here.
Ever since 2 days into a trip up to see my parents I haven’t felt right, one night I had a stomach cramp and water diarrhea. Next morning diarrhea, back pain. After that is was small frequent backaches and occasional stomach cramps, like a band around my back and tummy. Now it’s mostly back pain when I first wake up, and starts when I lay in bed at night. Some relief comes when I’m on my back with my leg elevated, or the heating pad. Last night I had an attack or horrible watery diarrhea, I hadn’t pooped in a day or two. Very confused and worried, of course this happens on the weekend and during the holidays.
I’m 30
A bit overweight
Had a baby 5 months ago
Preeclampsia when I was delivering
Don’t know if that helps.