Does anyone else get anxiety when driving? I get it mostly when sitting at traffic lights for no reason and when I'm waiting in a long line to go through a roundabout. Why is this?
Anxiety while driving: Does anyone else get... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety while driving

Is it really anxiety or just the impatient feeling a lot if people get at traffic lights?

It's definitely anxiety I used to be able to wait at traffic lights no worries and I'm not an impatient person. I get so lightheaded I feel like I'm going to pass out, butterflies in my stomach, and can't stop moving in my seat. It's definitely anxiety
Anxious2befree, I use to get that too. For me, it was the feeling of being trapped. I always had to have an "out". Being stuck in a line of cars waiting for a long freight train to go by was absolutely the worse. I would make sure that I was in the inner lane, allowing enough room in front of my car so if need be, I could make a U turn.
Since I've mastered deep breathing, that has made the feeling go away. It calms my mind and my body while waiting. Actually I had forgotten about this part of anxiety until now. I totally understand and hope you can give this a try. Breathe.... x P.S. I still allow enough room in front of my car, guess it a habit.
Thank you I will give it a go. This morning was horrible I thought I was going to pass out its the worst feeling ever.
Please try deep breathing. It takes practice during quiet moments, so that when the moment is horrible you will be able to deep breathe automatically without thinking twice about it. You cannot be anxious when you are deep breathing. That's how well it controls both calmness as well as heart rate. It will help you with that "going to pass out feeling" because when you slow down your breath, you are getting more oxygen into your brain taking away the fuzzy/lightheaded feeling. Always make sure you are drinking enough water as well. Dehydration can cause a lot of distorted feelings in your head. Hope this helps. x
I have tried deep breathing but then I focus to much on my breathing and I then just about pass out its horrible.
Anxious2befree, if that is happening, then it is not being done correctly. If you feel like you are about to pass out, then you are breathing too fast as well as shallow breathing.
It takes practice (at home) to get the hang of it. There are some great videos on YouTube that can talk you through the method. It's not that you can just go from a learned behavior in breathing to the proper way of doing it.
Start at home practicing, be patient with yourself. The anxious mind wants to get things over with fast. Deep breathing needs to be your time to find peace and calm within your mind and body. It takes a little work but will eventually pull you through those anxious moments when driving.
When doing deep breathing properly, you will feel your shoulders come down and a peace come over you. Good Luck, don't give up xx
I get this all the time driving otside my comfort zones even if im not driving i get this feeling else whwre if im in passanger seat if im on the bus or train anywheree i can be STUCK i get this it sucks i hate it i truly do :/ suffer for 4 years now i think it might even be 5
Yes! I feel like other drivers r staring at me. I don't want to roll down my window as a way of keeping people out! I really hate and feel much at ease when p r behind me. I try to tell myself not to care but that doesn't help much

I'm forever telling myself I'm ok when I feel like I'm about to pass out
Aw, I know the feeling. The fight is a tough one. How do you fight your own mind? I feel like that in the most comforting of situations since it is all in my mind. We fight. We tell it to stop. We are strong bc we fight every second of every day. We are still here so it's proof we are strong and that we can contradict out depression and fears.
So true
I get this all the time. It is awful. When it happens maybe remind yourself you've been here before it's just anxiety it will pass you are safe. If you need to pull over do and try and relax but it's definitely anxiety.
I also have a lot of driving anxiety! I've been in several accidents caused by other drivers so I always check my mirrors obsessively and have the fear I'm going to be hit by another car or rear-end a car myself. What sometimes helps me is reassuring myself in my own abilities and that rush of anxiety feeling usually goes away and is a little easier to manage!
Yes that was me too I used to avoid traffic lights I think it happens at those times as your not focused like when you are driving I am now on meds for anxiety and can drive without any problems now. All the best
Yes traffic lights 🚦 are the worse for me . I’m stopped cars everywhere and at times I can see the road moving and the lights are rocking . Hate it so so much