I was just wondering if anyone ever got night sweats from the anxiety? I had night sweats, but once I started taking the Xanax, that stopped. Just wanting to know if I'm the only one with this problem
wondering1956: I was just wondering if... - Anxiety Support
yes night sweats are a part of anxiety before being put on medication.
Really Agora 1, the very night I took my first Xanax, the night sweats went away. Wish everything else would go away too. I get upper chest pains, without even being anxious. It comes and goes when it wants. Sometimes my chest burns, but since I have been drinking Organic, raw apple cider vinegar three times a day, there is not much burning there anymore. Also heard the organic raw apple cider vinegar helps with hot flashes, and so much more.
Yes I have night sweats on and off their terrible I wake up drenched and really cold I thought it could be early menopause in my case but maybe it's anxiety 😢
You can try the Xanax and see if that helps. I'm sure it will. Good luck and keep me updated. How old are you?
I have diazapam prescribed by the doctor but I dare not take it as I have a major phobia of meds but I do take pregablin (lyrica) I'm 41 so menopause isn't too far away I guess thank you hun and I will do 😊
Do you still get the night sweats ActionChaz? What do you do about that, and was does your doctor say its caused from? The Xanax completely took the night sweats away, but still dealing with all the other chest problems going on, the burning at times, the pains here and there, when ever they want to appear, and I don't even feel anxiety when these problems occur. Just don't understand that part.
I went to the doctor about a month ago, and they did run all kinds of blood test, and everything came back normal. Don't know where to go from there. My husband is thinking it's hormones. He has read about anything and everything you can about the body, and how to live a healthy life. So I have been listening to him, and hope this will all go away, but I have my doubts.
never. I am 59 years old, earlier this year, I noticed a lump on the side of my neck, and of course looked it up on the internet, and said could be hodgkins, so I assumed that what I had, and thought I was going to die. It consumed me for months, thinking that way. One morning I woke up about a month ago, and noticed the problems starting with my chest, so went to doctor, and she was thinking it was due to anxiety. Took blood and that all came back fine, and the lump on my neck was almost gone, was just a swollen lymph. So now I keep thinking all the chest problems going on are another death sentence. Can't help but think i'm dying now.