newbie to this group. hi all :) Struggling... - Anxiety Support

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newbie to this group. hi all :) Struggling with anxiety any suggestions about medication etc

fanakerpan24 profile image
11 Replies

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for about 10 years. It has become worse recently, I'm getting anxious and not knowing what has triggered it. I also suffer from depression and fibro so they all feed into one another. I'm on propranalol for the anxiety but its not really helping at the moment. What other medications are there that help?

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fanakerpan24 profile image
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11 Replies
David2014 profile image

Hi fan well there are a few out there its basically trial and error you should speak with your doctor ' and tell him that the current medication isnt working and take it from there.

fanakerpan24 profile image
fanakerpan24 in reply to David2014

Hi fanakerpan.

Welcome to the group.I am no doctor but there are lots of different types of medicines for anxiety,I am on Fluoxetine,and find it helps me but others find the meds they are on better.You should really go and see your GP and explain your concerns about the propanalol not being effective,it might also help if you could get CBT or some other theapy. I am sorry I can't be more helpful.


fanakerpan24 profile image
fanakerpan24 in reply to

Currently on fluoxetine been on it for over 5 years it just isn't doing anything. Seeing my gp soon as my pain consultant has suggested i try duloxetine as it works well for pain as well as being an anti-depressant. I've had cbt in the past but that was when i knew what was triggering it all. I am also waiting on appointments for psychologist and psychiatrist. I guess I'll just have to try be more patient. See if new meds help and take it from there. Thanks for

WantToChange profile image

I am taking Citalopram. It's my first medication and it is working for me. My depression had lessened. I still have negative thoughts but they don't last as long and I feel more upbeat about life in general. I started on 10 mg and had some side effects like feeling tired and yawning constantly. I didn't feel any difference to my anxiety on this dose so I went up to 20 mg and had some initial side effects again such as feeling very tired (sleep for ten hours and still need a nap during the day) but this lasted 1-2 weeks and I have since felt much more positive.

I have felt more positive even though things in my life were falling apart and I am now back at the bottom. But I'm just focusing on how I can work my way back up and achieve different things. This is amazing for me, normally I would have wallowed and self-loathed and stayed in bed and stopped talking to friends.

Maybe suggest this one to your doctor?

fanakerpan24 profile image
fanakerpan24 in reply to WantToChange


Citalopram was the first anti-depressant i tried when I was first diagnosed it didn't suit me but I know it works well for a lot of people. I'm glad to hear its helping you. I also have various other health complaints which I wont bore you with lol, so its just a case of trial and error. Hopefully once i get the duloxetine and have been on it for a month or two I with see some improvement.

Just talking to people on here has helped enormously...a reminder that there are others experiencing similar problems and worse. Puts things into perspective and lets me know there is support out there if I need it.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

jules2105 profile image


There are lots of different meds available, I'm on citalopram and also have diazepam for emergencies. It would definitely be worth speaking to your gp to discuss your options :-)

Jules x

fanakerpan24 profile image
fanakerpan24 in reply to jules2105

Hi Jules

Been on so many different anti-depressants over the years. I was diagnosed at 19 I'm now 33. I know its just trial and error...oh and a lot of patience lol. Spoken to G.P and pain consultant both have referred me to psychiatrists one for the depression and anxiety and one to help cope with pain. But as usual its a waiting game was referred by my G.P in Oct and only a few weeks ago by pain consultant. Been through all this before so i know the score lol.

You just start to feel desperate at times when you're going through a down period and its been a long one. Having CBT years ago has helped me dampen those feelings but they still pop up every now and again lol

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

jules2105 profile image
jules2105 in reply to fanakerpan24

Hi Nat

I know what you mean about the waiting game. In the meantime keep chatting on here, everyone is really friendly so we'll help the best we can :-)

Jules x

Scrane-23 profile image

Hi I'm taking propranolol coupled with sertraline for severe anxiety and depression I found it can take a little while to be effective and the doses had to be fiddled with a bit .i still have good days and bad days but this combination helps you should talk with your GP about different options unfortunately it can be a bit trial and error . Wish you luck xx

FXP_OK profile image

There are other things you can do to help as well as meds. Lots of people get a lot of benefit from exercise (not me - I'm fat and lazy!) I found just making the effort to get and about more helped me; particularly comedy clubs - laughter is genuinely a good remedy for depression.

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