Had a terrible morning, couldnt leave the house, spent most of the morning in bed trying out relaxation mp3, dozed a bit...took a few diazepam and they calmed me down.
Hey friends: Had a terrible morning, couldnt... - Anxiety Support
Hey friends

Hi LM I am concerned, you say a few diazepam, please be carful. I am sorry it has been bad, maybe meds with help soon.
LM - I just went to the supermarket and felt so foggy headed and disconnected. Feeling very down now. How did the meditation help? Might try some myself. how are you feeling now? xx
Thought you had been quite today was hoping that maybe you were out & about & would be on later telling us about what you had been up to , so sorry that wasnt the case
Its not long since your doc changed your meds , so still they need chance to work , give yourself time
Hope you are feeling alot better now , is it fine where you are , your boys & you might like a nice walk over in that park if it is

Hi whywhy, it's been raining on and off here, i think the boys will have to miss the park tonight xxx
Hope your feeling a bit more chilled tonight....it's a real pain in the derrière waiting for these medications to start to be effective but hang in there a bit longer....usually the benefits occur very gradually and you almost don,t realise at first that it,s happening and don,t worry too much about the diazapan at the moment...they help and that is what is important...you come across as a pretty intelligent and rational guy and am sure you are well aware of their potential dangers if used unwisely...anyway have a good evening and give the doggies a big hug, Love & peace Eloisa
Thanks Eloisa, the diazepam has really helped today, i had about 10mg and it stopped the anxiety after a few hours. I sometimes wonder if that's where the anxiety comes from, I do have a high level of intelligence...i'm a constant thinker and for the majority of my life has been philosophizing about my very existence, seeking consciousness without mind....a long story.
Thanks for the kind words xxx
sorry you had a bad morning but glad that the meditation helped. I find some meditations more helpful than others - ones that I find really help are those that take me outside myself - like just sitting and listening to sounds around me - helps me to feel connected with the rest of the world again ... but sometimes ones that take me away from being caught up in my thoughts to observing the effect they are having on my body can really help as well.
Today I've been out with my cousin to get a new car - he loves haggling and I absolutely hate it - also a mechanic so he really knows what he is looking for. Caught myself getting rather tense at times so was able to just let the tension go and relax the body. sometimes I think that can help to relax the mind as well.
Not sure exactly what prompted me to do it but a couple of weeks ago I decided to change the way I was listening to some music - rather than listening to it with my ears I listened to it with my body ... guess that was partly because I was curious about how the deaf experience music ... it was a really interesting experience - very different from listening with my ears... and also very calming. I'm lucky to live somewhere where I can occasionally turn the volume up and do that ... though I've been wondering about taking headphones off at othertimes and putting them on my stomach so I can listen with my diaphragm. Haven't got round to it yet though.