Forgotten Drs appointment.....: I know some... - Anxiety Support

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Forgotten Drs appointment.....

22 Replies

I know some time ago I would have taken it in my stride...but today it feels like the end of the world..

I should have gone to a Drs appointment at 9.20 and totally forgot this morning I rang in a panic my Drs next appointment is 3rd June which is too late for me as I need a medical note...

I have been asked to call at 11.30 this morning to see if I can get a cancellation I'm just so upset about forgetting.... I'm already overdue to see him,

I hate this illness so much right now and the way it sends you in a turmoil over what used to be something I could easily deal with , I hate the system and the way you get spoken to , with no understanding ...I feel very emotional and it once again has highlighted my illness to me which makes me feel so low...

22 Replies

That certainly sounds like me too, have nothing to do in months except an appointment, and forget it.

Hope you get a cancellation soon



in reply to

Hi B

Thanks for the support it does help to know you are not alone in this and it's bloody exhausting...the up and downs are so frequent for me right now..don't know if I'm coming or going....

I seem to be constantly reminded that right now I'm just not myself and I don't like that one bit..

Got an appointment for 4pm...

Sue xxxxx


I get like this too... So break it down. You forgot your appointment and loads of people do it and lots don't care but when you have anxiety it seems a massive prob. Ring back at 11.30 and see if you can get an appointment. If not just ask them for a call back from your doc and explain you are not well and therefore forgot. They should be able to do your note to cover you until your next appointment it's not hard for the doc to do this. Breath.... Sending hugs xxx

Hello I do know exactly what you are talking about.I have health anxiety and sometimes have so many worries that I have forgotten doctors and even hospital appointments.Your medical note is obviously important and I do hope that you get your 11.30 one ok.

One thing I must say however is that having to wait until 3rd June is totally not acceptable.I realise that it's a bank holiday weekend but I would not stand for that.The NHS has a website where you can make comments on your doctors performance.I used it once when i was asked to wait 72 hours for an appointment.Within 48 hours the practice manager rang me and gave me a same day appointment.Doctors are there to provide a service and there is no excuse whatsoever to wait more than two working days for a routine consultation.

in reply to

Hello Bertty

Thank you so much for your response it means a lot right now....

I got an appointment for 4pm today...

I kinda new I would sort something but my irrational mind kicked in and as a result has made me very emotional about how I am . And I guess the reflections on it are scarey to me....

All sorts of things run through your mind...and the fear that something like this can make you feel so so bloody ill..

I appreciate your response so much it's good to know you are not totally alone in this

Sue xxxxx

Are you ok hun? You will get better but it takes time please try not to despair love eve x

in reply to

Hi Eve thank you so much, it truly helps to talk on here...I got an appointment for 4pm today when I rang..

In my rational mind it's ridiculous to get like this over something so trivial really, and when I think of the role I played in the workplace as a manager and constantly problem solving I'm in tears because i feel like I'm never going to be the person i was...I hate being like this, I don't often cry but being this low and anxious in such a debilitating way is new to me and I just can't believe it, sometimes I feel I'm in shock......

Thank you again when you feel you have no one it means so so much

Sue xxxxxx

in reply to

Hi sue

It's horrible and I've been off work 7 months so I know how you feel. You go from sorting everything out to struggling to do one small task and it takes very little to make us wobble but you will get through this. The ups and downs and twists and turns are so frustrating but you will get back to being "you" it just takes time and its exhausting. Make sure you tell your doc exactly how you are feeling. Take care love eve x

in reply to

Thank you Eve...



Try not to worry we have all done it

Tell them you have to see GP no matter what

Good luck , will be thinking about you , let us no later how it goes

Have everything crossed for you



in reply to

Why why

Thank you so much I'm now an emotional wreck...mostly because when it hits me that I'm ill I don't like it because I fight it so hard...

Sometimes I think I would be better having nothing but low days because you sure pay when you have a good day/days and it seems worse...

It means a lot to hear from you I hope you are ok..and not worrying too much about your father and his reaction to you....

Sue xxxxxx

in reply to

Sue bless you

I no I understand , don't give up , I no its not easy , my nerves have been terrible the last few days as well as health anxiety , but we are altogether on here & we are going to get through this , I have every faith & when you loose yours from time to time , I will have faith for you


in reply to

Thank you so much why why.....

Hoping we both feel much better soon xxx

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Well at least snap man hasn't been around I hope for a few days


Just trying to think of a positive for you :-D


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:) hey yes that's true,

Isn't it a good job he hasn't hahah xxxx

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Yes I think you may have poked his surprised eyes out today :-D


in reply to

Thank you xxxx

Helpmebirmingham profile image


I am just the same. I use to be so laid back and could deal with a lot. Right now it all seems such a challenge and get so worked up easily.

I think being on the meds have taken the edge of it.

I know this sounds terrible. A friend of my has type one diabetes, he injects 4 times daily and tests I do not know how many times a day. I said if I could exchange my illness for yours I would.

This is a terrible debilitating illness.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

in reply to Helpmebirmingham

Hello Birmingham

I totally get what you are saying about your friend I feel the's the no one understanding how hard simple things are for us and I really hate it right now...

I got an appointment for 4pm..and although I new it would get sorted my illness doesn't let my mind think that....all of it affected me so much I'm in tears.....I hate feeling weak ....

Thank you so much for your comment it means a lot to receive them when you feel so alone with this thing...

Sue xxxxx

sheffield1978 profile image
sheffield1978 in reply to


your not weak your not well im glad you have sorted an appointment out for later today

sarah x

in reply to sheffield1978

Bless you Sarah it's good to hear from you....

Sometimes this thing gets us so low..I have been so upset today about it all.....when I told you I understand I truly do....lets not let it beat us......although some days it's so hard it completely knocks you out...

Thinking of you and hoping you got some help

Sue xxxx

Sue stay strong love. Glad you got it sorted. Lots and lots of hugs ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Sue)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) very special warm hugs!

Is that enough for you? Can do more :)

Bev xxxxxxx

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