Hello, new here. I’m a very private person but I am hoping to make new connections and share information and advice. I read an article about the above title. Anyone have any experience with this topic? Thank you.
Languishing : Hello, new here. I’m a... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi regular welcome to the group I hope you find it as helpful as I have ! They are a good bunch ! Can you elaborate on what your looking for to help people help you ! Good luck all the best from scotland
Welcome to the community.
I know what the meaning is. Can you share what the article was about?
If You Would Rather Lie In Bed And Rot, You May Be Experiencing This Lesser Known Condition-Huff Post.
Basically about a lesser known side and possibly “milder” form of depression where you just don’t want to do anything but you’re not exactly having a full blown episode. The title is listed in my other reply but hope it doesn’t violate any guidelines with the language used.
The title is fine, I don't think it's a guideline issue
I just read the article. It had me wondering if this is how I lived for some time before I went into my depression. It was a repetitive robotic type of existence.
Excellent subject for a post.
Thank you for sharing
I don’t use this word at all in my daily speech but maybe I will now, thanks. I wonder have I just languished away and become a degenerate because of anxiety/depression. Do we all here become degenerates to a certain extent? I know degenerate is used as an insult and I don’t want to offend anyone but I’m trying to get to the truth. I don’t know. I missed out on a lot of experiences. I know people can get better but you can’t give them back those missed experiences. We can recover but we won’t be the same as those who haven’t gone through anxiety/depression. Maybe better in some ways and worse in others. A lot of people are struggling with anxiety/depression though so it’s not like we’re alone in this languishing.
Thanks for your comments, Experiment, which are exactly what I was hoping to see on this platform. Although I've achieved a great deal throughout my 60+ years, I've most definitely missed out on just as much because my anxiety and depression have intervened way too often. I am now at the stage in my life where I have nearly given up on all social endeavors because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack and cancel at the last minute. I no longer trust myself to keep appointments, and even when I do, it feels that my long-term depressive state has separated me from the "norm" when I'm around other people -- I don't know how to act! I worry that my sad state will bring others down. I retired from work last year and decided to get a dog to keep me company and help me muster the energy to get out around other people. He always attracts their attention and it's easy to make connections with other humans when he is by my side. I think he gives me confidence and helps chill my anxiety. But I must admit, most of my time is spent "languishing" at home these days with TV, movies, and computer interaction. Who can relate?
Regulardegular...I have finally found the word to explain the feelings I was going
through years ago when anxiety first appeared. I kept telling the doctors that I
wasn't depressed but didn't know how to truly explain what I was feeling. There
didn't seem to be a word for the emotional pain I was going through except to call
it "fear".
Short of struggling with anxiety/panic daily, there was a missing part of me but the
only word I could come up with was that I was in LIMBO. A neither here nor there.
No real joy but a continuous regimen of doing the daily chores. What did I want? What
did I need? I'd look in the mirror and not recognize who I was anymore. I felt mentally
distant with my emotions. I wish I knew at the time what I was going through. I did
however have intense therapy. I begged to no longer have my life put on hold.
I asked my psychiatrist to allow me to walk into the psyche ward instead of waiting
to be carried in. I couldn't believe how this helped me to see straighter, to think
straighter and find more balance in my life.
Being in a structured facility where there were no surprises. Everything in the day
had a time and place. Of course life doesn't work that way but it taught me to find ways
to be myself. To not look at others for the answers. To never give up. That I had this
one Life to live fully and not just exist. In time, the word Languish was left behind and
I became me again. May you find the answers you are looking for my friend Life is
amazing once we find it. xx
Wow, amazing and thank you for sharing. That is exactly it. I don’t feel necessarily full blown depressed and my meds seem to be working I’m just in the “blah” cycle of work and home repeat. But I don’t want to be around people right now, I’m all “peopled out” so to speak.
Glad you are feeling better though and were able to overcome that time! 🎉