Is there something you want to do thi... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Is there something you want to do this week?

145 Replies

Can we motivate each other?

Meeting new people is hard for me. I set a schedule to get out of the house everyday and physically go to a new location with new people even if it’s just to journal or read.

145 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

I would like to get out for a walk. The weather is supposed to be messy. I hope Mother Nature gives me an hour of opportunity.

Have a good week

in reply to Dolphin14

I hope the weather cooperates too! Have a good week 😊

in reply to Dolphin14

How was the walk?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Sadly it rained :( so I did yoga. I exercise almost everyday. But getting a walk in this time of year is tough.

How was your day and goal?

in reply to Dolphin14

Yoga is tough exercise!! Good job 👏...I went to a new gym and worked out with a friend. Day one was a success 😊

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Excellent! Keep up the good work. Exercise is so good for us:)

in reply to Dolphin14

Did you get to walk today??

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Yes 3 miles, it was great.

How are you doing?

in reply to Dolphin14

Got swept up in work deadlines, so no social stuff today really but tomorrow I have a Meetup with a new group. Nervous but excited about that

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I hope your meet up goes well.

in reply to Dolphin14

I hope so too. I really do want to meet some new people outside of my usual circle

in reply to Dolphin14

Good job 3 miles is a lot!!!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I love to walk. I could just keep on going if I didn't have life responsibilities lol

in reply to Dolphin14

Well you sound like your moving right along with your goal. 😊

9Aurelius profile image

Exercise daily, It helps me but is difficult to stick with when busy.

in reply to 9Aurelius

I hope you can this week

in reply to 9Aurelius

Did you get to exercise?

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Yes, I did! It was short but that’s ok

in reply to 9Aurelius

You did it!! Congrats!!

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Thank you! This was a good idea!

in reply to 9Aurelius

Did you get to exercise?

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Yes, I did! Something funny just happened to me. So I had to go out and get my kids at 2 different places. Well, we are in the middle of a snowstorm. So on my way to get them, I have to go down through a valley. I went down in and spent the last hour and a half trying to get out. Attempting to get uphill after hill lol. I think I fried my tires and finally, I did get out.

in reply to 9Aurelius

Wow that sounds freezing! Good for you for going! I have only seen snow 5 times in my life that I can remember and I’m 42 lol. California girl ☺️

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

I'm seen more than I want to but normally it's not bad like that here. I've never been to Cal before. I'm in Ohio

in reply to 9Aurelius

I’ve never been to Ohio. What’s it like?

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

It's nice we have good summer fall and spring weather. Where I live is great for those that like to hike or walk in the park. There is lots of trees 🦌and corn. It's about 30 degrees what about California? What's it like there?

in reply to 9Aurelius

No seasons really. I want to see that one day and travel more in the US. It’s usually 70 degrees or more here

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

We have 4 seasons that's for sure. That sounds nice 70 as I here the snowplow go down the road lol. Sometimes I like the snow and slead riding is fun. I'm 41 but I will still go with my kids sometimes. The worst part is walking back up the hill.

in reply to 9Aurelius

Still sounds fun to me 😁

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Gremlins is available on Amazon I looked 3.99 lol

in reply to 9Aurelius

Lol I would love to see that again! That was one of my favorite movies!!

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Ok, how's Friday at 7 p.m. Sound!? Haha jp

in reply to 9Aurelius

That’s the most fun Valentine’s Day offer I’ve had yet 😊

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

😁 yes!

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Happy Valentine’s !! I Hope your day brings you great joy !

in reply to 9Aurelius

Happy Valentine’s Day!! I just mentioned Gremlins in my Valentine post..Going to a meetup tonight. Went to another one last night. How’s work been?

9Aurelius profile image
9Aurelius in reply to

Work is busy. left early today going to take my son out in a bit for his birthday. It’s on the 15th but he has other plans With his girl.

in reply to 9Aurelius

Weekend!! Yay!!

I want to be able to make it to work all week. May sound like a silly goal, but it’s been really tough for me not only to show up for work, but to remain at work. Baby steps! 🐢

in reply to courageovercomfort

It’s not silly. That’s a huge accomplishment. Slow and steady wins the race 🐢💛

in reply to courageovercomfort

Did you stay at work today?

courageovercomfort profile image
courageovercomfort in reply to

I did! Did you get out today?

in reply to courageovercomfort

I’m gonna be working a lot but I did the gym. I do have lunch with a friend though. So that counts

courageovercomfort profile image
courageovercomfort in reply to

Yes, it absolutely counts!

in reply to courageovercomfort

Thanks I met this friend through work but we have been friends for 15 years, so yeah it counts 😊’s work today?

courageovercomfort profile image
courageovercomfort in reply to

Work was okay today. Found myself uninterested and bored, even though I had work to do. Tried to tell myself that what I was feeling was okay (versus my ‘shaming’ myself for feeling bored). It’s been hard to focus lately w my depression.

I’m impressed you made it to the gym! 💪🏼 Exercise is really hard for me.

in reply to courageovercomfort

How was work today? I didn’t get to do much social other than I went to the hair salon and laughed with my stylist

mrmonk profile image

Finish a letter to a friend. Failing that, a poem.

in reply to mrmonk

Is it something you are struggling to start or finish?

mrmonk profile image
mrmonk in reply to


in reply to mrmonk

Sending you creative energy 🤓

mrmonk profile image
mrmonk in reply to

Thank you 😺

in reply to mrmonk

How’s the letter going?

mrmonk profile image
mrmonk in reply to

Sadly, not much progress. I can't organize my thoughts...well, that's not's more like I keep organizing and reorganizing them, so they're always shifting, or I get overwhelmed be the sheer volume of them. Then, there are the words...choosing this word over that word...revising and revising endlessly. I have OCD and one of the ways it manifests is that it makes writing prose -- sometimes even short messages like this -- take much, much longer than it should (direct messaging is never direct with me).

I tried thinking outside the box, and attempted to record an audio letter, thinking maybe it would come more easily if I spoke it. But my mind wasn't having it. I may give it another go tomorrow.

On the upside, my unquiet mind serves me well writing poems. So, there's that to look forward to 😺

Did you have a productive day?

I like to win the lottery this week

in reply to

What would you do with the money??

in reply to

I would donated all to charity.. .ugh noooo

I'm going on a cruise ship and getting lost for the next couple months...

But I would still donate money to cancer and to the children's hospital. And give the church some money

in reply to

Any lottery tickets yet??

in reply to

Wow your faster then my sisters when it comes to asking 🤣🤣 I'm just kidding🤣.

Yes actually won a couple hundred million and I'm currently on my way to paris on my new 2020 Boeing triple 🤣.

Nah but truth is I just got off work and I'm now headed home to my two bedroom town apartment that I'm currently late on paying .

So that kind of sums it up🤣🤣

in reply to

I love your imagination 😜💛

in reply to

Lol have a wonderful day or evening. 🥂

It could happen! There was a custodian at the university here that won 40 million from one ticket 4 years ago!!

Xyra profile image
Xyra in reply to

Nc007 where are you from?? North Carolina? I’m in Texas and I have trouble getting out... good idea about using goals! I might just make mine to go out and get a lotto ticket! Lol

in reply to Xyra

I’m in California 😎...just got back from my first social outing for the week. One day down 😊

in reply to Xyra

What’s your goal this week?

Xyra profile image
Xyra in reply to

Girl I got goals for every day! Whether I do it or not is yet to be seen lol.

I just got my dog back from my “doggysitter” aka my bestie and she has fleas!! Goal is to get her all clean and flea free!

How is Cali?? I’ve never been to the west coast. 😬

in reply to Xyra

I’m sure your dog will appreciate that goal too 😉...I grew up in California my whole life, so I take it for granted. I love it here. California girl through and through. Where would you visit if you came here? I’ve never been to the east coast 😊

Xyra profile image
Xyra in reply to

Omg!! Mendocino vineyards all the way!! Those redwoods, too!! Ahhh I like the east coast. The Smokey mountains can really take your breath away!

My doggy definitely appreciated the bath!! She’s a tiny Pomeranian so she loves the warm water :)

I’m in south Texas right next to the gulf. The water isn’t the clearest but it can be sooo warm! What’s it like there??

in reply to Xyra

Good job on the bath! It’s 70 degrees here today. Chilly day for is 🥶

Xyra profile image
Xyra in reply to

We are getting there soon! A front seems to be rolling in with some rain... eek!

in reply to Xyra

Yikes! Good job on the goal today!!

Xyra profile image
Xyra in reply to


in reply to Xyra

Did it rain? What was your goal today? 😁

I love that idea. I like staying at the park sometimes too if I have free time or staying at a coffee shop. I like to write about anything in my mind. Journaling had been one of my best friends that helped me to cope with my emotions.

in reply to

I try to be in new locations to be exposed to new people. Found this cool coworking office when I go to write. Working on my first book...learning as I go 🤓

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to

I would like to accomplish at least 50% of my list/plan for week...😊 I wish spring would hurry up. I am quite sick of winter and snow.... lol wish it would make a difference to the weather if I plowed my front lawn.

Great post btw!

in reply to CanuckAnon

Thanks! I’ll check on back on your progress on the list. Good luck!!

in reply to CanuckAnon

How the progress on that list going?

in reply to

That's great. Are you planning on having it published?

in reply to

I really want to. Basically it will be a book about how September 11th changed my life as a former military spouse. I want to try and publish before next year because that is the 20 year anniversary. I know there are millions of people that suffered tremendously and I want to honor them and share what it has been like to suffer from anxiety and depression.

in reply to

That is so good of you. You will inspire a lot with your book. Good luck to you. :)

in reply to

Thanks, I really hope to. I’ve never written a book before but that is why I’ve signed up for different writing groups and conferences. It gets me out of the house too so I can meet new people. Your encouragement and letting me share here really helps 😊💛

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

Where were you living on 9/11?

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Ironically I live in California, nowhere near New York. I met my ex husband at age 22 in July of that year in San Diego and he was one of the first to deploy in October that year and we were married. It was the scariest and most confusing time of my life. We did 4 war deployments and he was critically injured and became 100% disabled. I’m not special. I’m just one American story. I want to reach out to all who sacrificed and suffered.

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

Wonderful idea. You'll certainly not be at a loss for material.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Thanks for the reassurance💛...I can only imagine if I get published, how many people are like me. Their lives forever changed. This was not the plan to be divorced and childless with crippling anxiety and depression at age 42 but I want to find the courage to share my story to make sense of all that time I used to feel was wasted. All that regret and sadness I hope to channel into writing so I can finally close that chapter and start a new one.

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

I believe that any writing is worthwhile. Go for it.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Thanks LilyAnnepuppy....I really needed encouragement tonight. It means a lot to me to be able to openly share what I have hidden for so long. I hope I can be as supportive to you 💛

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

PM me anytime

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Please know you can always do the same. I’m here🤗💛

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Side note, looking back and I did not see your post about something you want to do this week. Did I miss it?

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

Breathing is always a good benchmark for me. Next is getting out of bed. Household chores come in their somewhere. Painting. Exercising. Spending time with my husband and birds. Talking to friends on the phone.

I know these things sound simple, but I'm about 7 month post breakdown and am happy to get out of bed. There was a year and a half there where I couldn't even use that as a success gauge.

So other than putting one foot in front of the other, I'm content to just plug merrily along. 😎

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Those moments are huge. Day by day, choice by choice is how change happens. I think that’s the perfect success gauge 👏

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

LilyAnnepuppy, you mentioned that you have birds in your post.....I absolutely adore birds and am thinking about getting one. What kind of birds do you have? 🦜

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to MidnightBriarRose

I'll pm you

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Ok, great! 😀

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

I love that you made friends with each other to message about your love of birds 💛

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

How is the success gauge this week?

in reply to

There's a lot of people with crippling anxiety..thank you for your beautiful post..I wrote another further down..yes write that book. You've got a story..I believe we all have a story..I have no kids..not able but 2 furry children whom I'm blessed with.. unfortunately my husband and I are having troubles..he's a downer and a Narcissist...I am home on disability due to autoimmune issues and was an At-Risk Children's Therapist in the past. I miss it..I do Everything for my husband.. everything..he comes home to a clean apartment which he complains that I'm too "obcessed with cleaning"..which I'm not, he just came from the opposite and isn't used to it. He's a truck driver and works 14 hours/day comes home to clean sheets .. towels in the bathroom clean pajamas ready ..omg am I crazy???? He doesn't appreciate it..he showers gets on his computer and plays games. He goes to bed at 8 because he needs to be up at 3.

Any thoughts on this spoiled man????

in reply to

I’m not a good judge. However I was married for 10 years to a military husband that was 100% disabled after serving in Iraq. My marriage ended but I can see now how badly I neglected myself in all of that. Everything was about him and his happiness. It has taken me 10 years to bounce back and I’m still working on it. My only suggestion is try not to lose your happiness in your relationship. You are the only one can make you happy. I wish I had thought more about that then but I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Hope that helps 🤗💛

in reply to

I'm so sorry for your struggles 🙏 and they do seem to bring us to new happier places though, it seems..have you read the book Bounce Back? ...a very good book to read...I recommend to everyone. I checked it out of the library and decided I had to have my own copy. Small easy read to keep in your car or night stand. (It's great having a library as your neighbor) many authors I love...

My blessings to you 🤗 Hugs!!

in reply to

I’ve never read that but it sounds interesting. Thanks for the suggestion 😁

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How is your week going?

in reply to

How is your week going?

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to

I keep an online Diary and write in it whenever I need to.....and it helps me so much, too!

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

That’s funny, I kind of do the same. I text myself. Used to be motivational stuff, then gratitude and now it’s just ideas. It’s helped me keep track of my thoughts and measure progress

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to

I know what you mean, as I have actually texted myself before, too. And one time I actually had a back and forth conversation with myself, trying to work through an issue I was dealing with. And it actually ended up being very therapeutic for me! Funny how that works! 😁

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

I’ve done the same exact thing!! Something about reading the words visually that helps me be more objective

in reply to

Done any writing this week?

This is an excellent idea! And kudos to you for doing this for yourself! This is exactly what I need to start doing for myself, but right now I am mostly afraid to be around people, because all of the things that are going around right the flu, colds, etc. And because I haven’t been taking care of myself, I worry that my immune system may not be as strong as it needs to be to fight things off. But maybe I can start small, by just taking a drive in my car and going to places where there is only a small amount of people around. That way I’m not in a large group of people, but am at least getting out of the house. I’m taking vitamins and other supplements to strengthen my immune system and planning to start juicing again. Your post has really helped me by giving me new ideas. Thank you so much for posting! 🌸💗🌸

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

Those are great ideas. Starting “small” can have a snowball effect! 👏

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to

Thank you! 💛

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

You got this!! 💛

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

Have you tried to take that drive yet??

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to

Not yet, but I’m planning to take a drive tomorrow! 😀

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

A random windy drive with no particular place to go is one of my favorite things 😁

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to

Oh, My! I love doing that, too! I love the wind and have always loved taking random drives to random places.....completely spur of the moment and carefree! You have inspired me, nc007! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

I love this thread so much. You all have inspired me during this week of intense work deadlines. It’s been a bright spot. Thank you 💛

MidnightBriarRose profile image
MidnightBriarRose in reply to

I am so happy to hear that! 💚 And I hope the rest of your week is even better!!! 🌻🌞🌼

in reply to MidnightBriarRose

You too!😊💛🤓

Hi nc007

What an inspiration you are and you've got me thinking about's so hard with anxiety and depression. I'm back in therapy for about a month now and back to meditating which has always helped. 🧘🌻. I am working on not being so overwhelmed. I can only handle 1 appt/promise per day and always keep 2 days for myself or more if I can so I can try and get out. Winter's end is only a short distance away and cannot wait to get to some of my favorite state spots near the water. B

Hopefully I'll have come along in therapy to be able to.

Thank you so much🤗💪🌻🧘🌈🌹for your beautiful inspiration post. I needed that and I'm sure a lot of us did.

My blessings to you 🙏


One promise a day to yourself is how change starts. I’m so glad this helped. I’m gonna check in with you. We’re In this together 💛

kenster1 profile image

something I want to do this week maybe run to the hills and scream.

in reply to kenster1

Do it like a wolf howling at the moon!!

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to

yeah but anyone heard me they would run I might even get shot by a silver bullet.

in reply to kenster1

Yeah doesn’t sound as poetic when you mention that 😜

in reply to kenster1

Been to the hills yet kenster1?

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to

afraid not and the weather isn't looking good for a few days.

I have to clean, I should be more motivated and I am not getting as much done as I should. I fired my cleaning lady. My house is large. I am pretty backed up and need to get my but in gear. In house all day. Today is my day to make some real progress. But I am so tired from night after night of night terrors and anxiety. If I can clean sick in past, I can clean tired 😓... I hope I make it... crap... I am one verbose p.o.s.

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I feel your pain in the lack of motivation. My house always suffers. I procrastinate. Today I’m struggling with a work deadline but I’d rather message here😁....sending good vibes

in reply to

Get to work! Hahahahaha see you later... I will work tooo

in reply to

You’re right LexMag😊...let’s work

in reply to

How are you doing LexMag? How’s work?

courageovercomfort profile image
courageovercomfort in reply to

Have you heard of FlyLady? She helped me w my perspective on housework. First, I learned that it doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m not prepping for a Southern Living photo shoot 😜 Second...I take baby steps and set a 15 min timer (work/rest). Sometimes I just can’t do that and the stuff piles up....and that’s OK too, I just jump back in wherever.

Having a tough time making it through work today. Thankful for this app & thread. I think there is a way to bookmark this somehow.... 🤔

in reply to courageovercomfort

I’m so glad it’s helping. Just took a break from work to see this. I’ll have to check out FlyLady. How is work?

courageovercomfort profile image
courageovercomfort in reply to

Well. It’s complicated. And you can get overwhelmed quickly. So, I would say, check her out. Go in w open mind to take what you like and leave the rest. I found her very inspiring. She is a recovering hoarder & recovering perfectionist.

in reply to

How’s that cleaning?

I always ask myself, why did I do this again? I knew better but then I have to exercise self compassion and remind myself disorganization is a symptom of my depression and I’m doing the best I can. Logically sounds good but emotionally it’s tough

How did the studying go?

I want to apply to at least 1 job by Monday. It probably seems really tiny but after recently quitting my job I've been overwhelmed easily. If I can do one application I think I'll be off to a good start. Failing that, I'd like to up my exercise like a lot of the other people here

in reply to

I know applying for jobs can be so labor intensive. One application sounds like a great goal! Exercise too..I’ll check back with you 😁

in reply to

Thanks! Hope your goal goes well too :)

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My thoughts get jumbled until I write most of the time. I didn’t get to do social stuff today. My work took over because of procrastination but tomorrow I have a meetup to go to. All new people 😳

Mrspjsmom profile image

I think that's a great idea. What I want to do this week is look presentable. When I don't go out of the house due to weather or for other reasons I have a habit of looking awful. Not styling my hair, not following my skin care routine and brushing my teeth in a hurry. This week I will do my best to style my hair and keep up my skin care routine. Even when the snow or cold keeps me in those things help me feel better. Thanks for sharing.

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