I have to either continue with my disability status and pension (but i won't be able to get hired, i will have to start my own business when mom gets old, probably finish Logopedics and give consultations) or find a job and keep it. Im opening job sites all day and sending CVs since last week but i can't make it. It's either no people and too much at home or too much people and too less at home. I guess i have to accept the pension if the jury decides to give it to me and then get a cat. I'm so lonely. I can't breathe all day. It might be an allergy. But once im not going out, im not having reflux. I need company. Maybe a cat, the youth centre, gym and on the autumn - second masters degree Logopedics but idk if i can make it in my city as it's hard and i will be a slob and if there will be Logopedics this year and i could make it in the city i studied but i would have to travel and find where to stay and it probably won't even be a master's degree but a course. I'm overthinking. I just want to chat with someone about something stupid like pets or cartoons or the weather or self-help books
Lonely, anxiety all day and stuck - Anxiety and Depre...
Lonely, anxiety all day and stuck

Well done for thinking things through clearly, and especially for looking for jobs. Keep up the good work - I'm proud of you, and I hope you're proud of yourself (even if you've had no success so far). Remember to try to be positive at all times and count your blessings (even if you feel you have none). We'te all supporting you. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! What is Logopedics? You are clever! xxx
cats are great company and don’t require a lot of care. Have you considered online courses? Maybe your university has something where you can do the courses at home and go to the university for the exams. I’m glad you are looking towards the future.
Looking for a job *is* a job in and of itself. I find job fairs to be useful. The employers are actively looking for people to work for them. That's actually how I got the job I have now. I believe life's jigsaw pieces will fall in place and a good situation (job or otherwise) will come your way. Thanks for sharing!