I'm just hoping for the chance to practice talking to one. I accept not one girl could ever find me attractive.
I just wish to work on my panic attacks talking to women.
I'm just hoping for the chance to practice talking to one. I accept not one girl could ever find me attractive.
I just wish to work on my panic attacks talking to women.
Welcome to the community.
Our only way to talk here is through writing as we are an anonymous platform.
There are many wonderful people here.
Thank you for letting me know i can never speak to a girl or be good enough for friendship to one, as everything is anonymous.
I was stupid to think I finally found a place where women would treat me as human. There is good reason no one has ever known a woman willing to just learn my name.
You'l never meet a girl who doesn't want me to die.
I don't understand what you mean
Did you not know the site was anonymous?
You will be treated as human here.
I thought it was like any other forum. We know the only reason women talk to people like is through anonymity.
This just proves I csn never once be worth treating as human to one woman.
Only reason you respond is because its anonymous. There has never been a woman willing to get to know me as an equal.
If you're short and shy, you'll never meet a woman willing to even learn your name.
I accept I can never be good enough for a woman. There is no way 5o ever be worth treating as an equal to one
I've been here for years. I responded because that's what we do here
You can meet some nice people here both male and female. Maybe they will have some ideas to help alleviate your anxieties about meeting someone. This is an anxiety and depression site.
Yeah, hopefully one person knows one way I can finally be good enough to talk to a girl so I can work on my anxiety.And everything here is anonymous, this is no way to make friends.
Hi Farathiel
Welcome from me as well. Just join in conversation if youre interested in the topic. Often from usernames you can't tell whether someone is female. That could be good for you.
Gradually you'll recognise names and build up friendships.
I'm trying to work on phobia of women, just jumping into group conversations makes me pass out even thinking about it.
I already found out everything on here is anyonmous, so I can never make a friend or be good enough for one converation to a woman on here. Just like every place on this planet.
I have to accept I'll never talk to a girl again. There has never been one that saw me as even human.
Hi Farathiel, I read that you've accepted no woman could find you attractive. But you also mentioned you're aware some women are attracted to men in prison. What do you think it is about you that puts women off?
Speaking from experience, I think most women find confidence attractive. "Think pretty."
Are you a music professor? I love music.
I'm 4ft2 qnd have panic attacks around women from decades of only rejection. There has yet to be a girl desperate enough to even learn my name let alone try and be my friend. I was a child actor, I've performed around the world on my instruments. I taught for years, I saw which guys get all the girls and which get rejected till they give up. Women dont care about confidence, studies even show as well.
I am, or was, I stopped teaching a few years ago. Music is my biggest proof I'm not worth love. That I can dedicate my life to it and its not worth one chance to any woman. I can't handle talking about music anymore lol
People do make friendships and special connections here...and I would of thought the fact that it's anonymous might actually make it alittle easier for you to practise chatting to females?There's so many caring people on this forum and you can have a none judgemental conversation without the fear of being rejected because of your looks or your personal struggles...I think if you try and just give it time you'll be surprised at the way people here are willing to try and support each other x
I'm sorry, it can take time and confidence to join in on a conversation.
I think you've been brave making 2 posts about yourself. I haven't done that yet!
Hi a guy here but look good in a frock I'm told.
yeah guy here too but I’m a giant in 7” platforms.
that was not a jab at your height.
Hi. You keep saying you're unattractive and unworthy to talk to women, but what makes you think you're unattractive and unworthy? I don't think being short is unattractive. You could wear platforms to add a couple of inches to your height to help improve your confidence. Also, maybe chatting to short women might make you feel more comfortable. Sorry you're struggling so much with your appearance. I don't think you should start dating until you learn to love yourself. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others to love you? Confidence can be very charming.
I am a woman and I have seen some of the ugliest men and women who have fallen in love and gotten married. Many times with people more physically attractive than they are. And I mean physically ugly. But you’re convinced the physical is what matters. It has happened to everyone at some point that they see someone attractive and they start speaking with them. Only then they realize that this is an ignorant, arrogant, rude or simply a dumb person. Suddenly they don’t look so attractive anymore. The same is true in the reverse. You see a physically unattractive person that you end up finding incredibly attractive after speaking with them. Self-confidence and high self-esteem are very important. If you don’t love yourself and think highly of yourself, no one else will either. I would suggest that you speak to someone who specializes in these types of problems. They can give you the tools you need to work on your self-esteem, self-confidence and anxieties.