Can you use this site as much as you need?
Use more: Can you use this site as much... - Anxiety and Depre...
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Yes of course you can be here whenever you want. That's the same with the other communities you have joined.
Have you had a problem? Or just a curiosity question
Absolutely. We all know there are folks here who need a lot of support. I have been there myself.
I'm really down. All of my dreams, wants have been taken from me. I feel like I'm living in others shadows
Yes you can comment or post anytime you want sweetie 😊
Racwacc844 always someone on line if you ever need a chat. Take care big hugs
Thank you . I feel bad for coming here but I need the support. Been dealing w alot and putting too much stress on myself . I need to decompress but it's hard w grief. Trauma, anxiety, stress , depression etc. I need to breathe but the losses I've had are really making me sad. I have so much on my mind
I tealy understand I am dealing with anxiety and depression due to a gealth scare been working so hard to try and control it then just before Christmas I lost my very dear friend then a few weeks later lost my dear sister. We just have to try our best to work through it. I know its hard but talking is so helpful believe me